
Communiqué de presse

Les militants de la réforme démocratique organisent un « cortège électoral pour un redécoupage électoral équitable »

Hier, les défenseurs de la démocratie ont participé au « Gerrymander Meander Votercade » de All IN for Democracy le long de Meridian Street en soutien à un redécoupage électoral et à des élections équitables dans l'Indiana. L'événement a eu lieu juste un mois avant que l'Indiana ne reçoive les données du recensement de 2020 qui éclaireront le découpage des nouvelles juridictions politiques au Congrès, à l'État et au niveau local, un processus connu sous le nom de redécoupage électoral qui a lieu tous les dix ans.

Indianapolis, IN. — Today, more than 80 democracy advocates participated in All IN for Democracy’s “Gerrymander Meander Votercade” along Meridian Street in support of fair redistricting and elections in Indiana. All IN for Democracy is also known as the Indiana Coalition for Independent Redistricting and consists of twenty-five organizations. Common Cause Indiana is a co-founder of the coalition.     

The event was held just a month before Indiana will receive data from the 2020 Census that will inform the drawing of new congressional, state, and local political jurisdictions, a process known as redistricting that takes place every ten years. To date, the Indiana General Assembly, responsible for the state’s redistricting process, has yet to announce any public plans or opportunity for public participation. 

“Redistricting is the most important issue facing our state this year and every Hoosier deserves a chance to have a say in the process,” said Julia Vaughn, Executive Director of Common Cause Indiana. “It’s extremely concerning that we have yet to hear from the Indiana General Assembly about any public plans or details on how the public can participate. We will continue to push for an open and transparent process that ends gerrymandering and secures free and fair elections for every Hoosier.” 

The event, which was held on the birthday of Elbridge Gerry, the father of gerrymandering, included decorated cars and a stop at the home of Gov. Holcomb, where an actor playing Elbridge Gerry presented a letter urging the Governor to only sign new district maps that are drawn fairly and transparently.  

 The caravan traveled through northside Indianapolis neighborhoods that fall in different Congressional districts as a result of partisan gerrymandering, a process that includes drawing district lines to give one political party an unfair advantage on Election Day. All IN for Democracy and its supporters used the event to call attention to this harmful practice and urged state leaders to engage the public in a transparent and fair process this year.  

To read All IN for Democracy’s 2021 Redistricting report, Cliquez ici 



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