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Liên minh các tổ chức cộng đồng tập hợp ủng hộ Đạo luật Vì Nhân dân

Hôm qua, một liên minh đa dạng gồm chín tổ chức cộng đồng và các nhà hoạt động, do Common Cause Indiana dẫn đầu, đã tập trung tại văn phòng của Thượng nghị sĩ Todd Young và Mike Braun để biểu tình ủng hộ Đạo luật Vì Nhân dân.

Indianapolis, IN — Yesterday, a diverse coalition of nine community organizations and activists, led by Common Cause Indiana, rallied at the offices of Sens. Todd Young and Mike Braun in a demonstration of support for The For The People Act. Supporters heard from leaders from Common Cause Indiana, Indiana Vote By Mail, Sierra Club Hoosier Chapter, Chicago Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights, and Hoosiers Organized People Energized (HOPE).  

“Our senators have no greater duty than to protect every Hoosiers’ constitutional right to vote, regardless of age, race, political party, or zip code,” said Julie Vaughn, Executive Director of Common Cause Indiana. “The For the People Act is the bipartisan solution we need to secure a participatory government of, by, and for the people for generations to come.” 

The For the People Act is a comprehensive democracy reform package that will protect and strengthen the right to vote, reduce the influence of money in politics, end racial and partisan gerrymandering, and amplify the voices of everyday Hoosiers. 

“The For The People Act will protect the right to vote for everyone in Tiểu bang Indiana,” said Amanda Shepherd, Director of the Sierra Club Hoosier Chapter. “We strongly urge Sens. Todd Young and Mike Braun to support this common-sense democracy reform package today so every person in Indiana can be heard by their government.” 

The For The People Act is supported by a broad coalition of voting, civic, and environmental organizations, including Common Cause Indiana, All IN for Democracy, Indiana Vote By Mail, Sierra Club Hoosier Chapter, Chicago Lawyer’s Committee on Civil Rights, Hoosier Environmental Council, Women4Change, Citizens Action Coalition, and Hoosiers Organized People Energized (HOPE).  


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