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Common Cause Indiana kêu gọi các đại diện Hoa Kỳ Baird, Banks, Pence và Walorski từ chức ngay lập tức

In the wake of Wednesday’s insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, Common Cause Indiana is calling for U.S. Representatives Jim Baird, Jim Banks, Greg Pence, and Jackie Walorski to immediately resign after they voted to overturn the will of people, failed to accept the results of the 2020 presidential election, and played a clear role in spreading disinformation around the election, leading to the violence.

“In our democracy, voters decide who wins elections.” Julia Vaughn, giám đốc chính sách của Common Cause Indiana cho biết. “U.S. Representatives Baird, Banks, Pence, and Walorski failed to follow the Constitution and their oath of office by voting to overturn the will of the people. There was no legitimate basis to object to the election results. They have proved they cannot carry out the duties of their office in our democratic republic and must immediately resign.”

“Make no mistake, the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol was incited by President Trump. U.S. Representatives Baird, Banks, Pence, and Walorski failed to accept the results of free and fair elections and played a role in spreading disinformation,” Vaughn added. “Instead of upholding the Constitution, and the will of the voters, they voted to subvert the government we elected them to serve. U.S. Representatives Baird, Banks, Pence, and Walorski must be removed from office immediately.”

“Particularly disturbing in Congresswoman Walorski’s involvement in these anti-democratic votes is that she is now the highest ranking Republican member of the U.S. House Ethics Committee. This Committee has jurisdiction to investigate Members, including for potential expulsion. Absent her resignation, Congresswoman Walorski should be removed from this Committee and leadership position immediately,” Vaughn said.

Common Cause is also exploring other means to hold the Members of Congress who voted against accepting the certified election results accountable when they had no legitimate basis to object, including expulsion and Ethics Committee investigations.


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