Government Transparency

A government that is of, by, and for the people should not operate behind closed doors. We deliver meaningful transparency reforms because honesty and accountability are key to a healthy democracy.

Common Cause ensures that our federal, state, and local governments are transparent and accessible to the public. We are dedicated to creating an open and honest democracy that is accountable to the people. That is why we champion strong government transparency, open meetings, freedom of information, and ethics laws. These important reforms create meaningful opportunities for participation in and access to government.

What We’re Doing

Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act


Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

Government agencies abuse Section 702 by conducting hundreds of thousands of“backdoor” searches for Americans’ private communications every year. Congress must pass real reform with protections for Americans against government abuse.

Take Action

Tell Congress: Hold SCOTUS Accountable


Tell Congress: Hold SCOTUS Accountable

Congress must take bold action now to pass a strong, binding Supreme Court Code of Conduct and overrule the Court’s disastrous ruling on presidential immunity.

These crucial reforms would ensure that nobody – not presidents, nor judges – is above the law.

We need a REAL Supreme Court code of conduct


We need a REAL Supreme Court code of conduct

The Supreme Court’s weak, voluntary “code of conduct” falls short of what we need. We demand REAL, enforceable ethics standards now.

Congress must pass the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act and create the strongest possible code of conduct for our highest court.

Your financial support helps us make an impact by holding power accountable and strengthening democracy.


The White House Has Not Corrected the Helsinki Transcript

Blog Post

The White House Has Not Corrected the Helsinki Transcript

The Atlantic noted it immediately, the rest of the media world is catching up after Rachel Maddow raised concerns last night that one week later the White House has not corrected the official transcript of the Putin-Trump news conference in Helsinki to include Jeff Mason's full question.

Related Resources

See all Related Resources


Redistricting Community College

CHARGE designed the Redistricting Community College so your community can actively engage in the 2021/22 redistricting process – at every level of government – from school board to congressional redistricting. 


Ten Principles for Reforming the Rules of the House of Representatives

The following recommendations to reform the rules of the House of Representatives will do much to restore the capacity, incentives, and capability of representatives to fulfill their roles as legislators.


The Art of the Lie Report

American democracy is resilient. It has withstood attacks from enemies, foreign and domestic, for more than two centuries. But never has the United States been led by a president who has so flagrantly lied and so incessantly debased our democratic values and our institutions of self-government as President Donald J. Trump. This report sets forth 20 examples that demonstrate President Trump’s historic first year failure on issues of government integrity, transparency, and accountability.


What Has Happened to the Surplus Funds from the Inauguration?

We ask that the 58th Presidential Inaugural Committee provide a full accounting of its expenditures and promptly distribute any surplus funds to donors or the General Fund of the Treasury.


High Scores for Nevada on Common Cause’s 2024 Democracy Scorecard

Press Release

High Scores for Nevada on Common Cause’s 2024 Democracy Scorecard

“Our 2024 Democracy Scorecard shows a surge of support in Congress for reforms that strengthen the right to vote, take back the Supreme Court, and break big money’s grip on our politics."

High Scores for New Jersey on Common Cause’s 2024 Democracy Scorecard

Press Release

High Scores for New Jersey on Common Cause’s 2024 Democracy Scorecard

“Our 2024 Democracy Scorecard shows a surge of support in Congress for reforms that strengthen the right to vote, take back the Supreme Court, and break big money’s grip on our politics."

From Corruption to Accountability: Reforming Pay-to-Play Politics in Atlanta

Press Release

From Corruption to Accountability: Reforming Pay-to-Play Politics in Atlanta

For decades, the city of Atlanta has faced institutionalized corruption, hindering its potential as a cultural, business, and international hub. Common Cause Georgia exposed this corruption through a new report titled “The Atlanta Way: Examining Pay-to-Play."



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