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Common Cause Applauds House Passage of Save the Internet Act

Today, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 1644, the Save the Internet Act. The bill reverses the repeal of net neutrality by the Trump FCC in December 2017 and restores the framework in the FCC’s 2015 Open Internet Order. Under the 2015 rules, broadband service providers are prohibited from blocking, throttling, or charging special fees to prioritize certain websites and online content. The 2015 framework also gives the FCC adequate authority to investigate unjust and unreasonable behavior by broadband service providers and act as a cop on the beat in an uncompetitive marketplace.

Today, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 1644, the Save the Internet Act. The bill reverses the repeal of net neutrality by the Trump FCC in December 2017 and restores the framework in the FCC’s 2015 Open Internet Order. Under the 2015 rules, broadband service providers are prohibited from blocking, throttling, or charging special fees to prioritize certain websites and online content. The 2015 framework also gives the FCC adequate authority to investigate unjust and unreasonable behavior by broadband service providers and act as a cop on the beat in an uncompetitive marketplace.

전 FCC 위원이자 Common Cause 특별 고문인 Michael Copps의 성명

Common Cause applauds the House passage of Save the Internet Act. Special thanks to Speaker Pelosi, Representative Pallone, Representative Doyle, and other House members for their leadership on this important measure to restore strong net neutrality rules. Outside the beltway, net neutrality is a no-brainer issue. An overwhelming majority of Americans support strong net neutrality rules including 80 percent or higher from Republicans and Independents. That’s because they understand net neutrality is the pre-requisite for an open and citizen-friendly internet where broadband has become the essential communications service for a 21st century democracy. Today’s vote reflects the will of the American people who demand an open internet to protect free speech, civic engagement, equal opportunity, and innovation.

This is an important first step to overturn the FCC’s reckless and unlawful repeal. The spotlight now shifts to the Senate where Americans hope it will reflect rather than deflect the overwhelming consensus for strong net neutrality rules. Every day we go without net neutrality is another day for monopoly telephone and cable companies to degrade our experience on the internet, undermining our democracy. We urge the Senate to do its job and pass the Save the Internet Act.



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