보도 자료

Statement by Common Cause President Miles Rapoport on Today’s Proceedings on the Democracy for All Amendment, S. J. Res. 19

We’re pleased that the Senate will conduct a full debate on the Democracy for All Amendment and the power of big money in our politics and government. The case for the amendment is compelling; the arguments against it will not stand up to scrutiny.

We’re pleased that the Senate will conduct a full debate on the Democracy for All Amendment and the power of big money in our politics and government. The case for the amendment is compelling; the arguments against it will not stand up to scrutiny.

The amendment is crafted to restore the ability of Congress and our state legislatures to put reasonable limits on political spending after the Supreme Court opened the floodgates to unlimited election spending from corporations and wealthy individuals in Citizens United. It stands for the proposition that big ideas, not big money, should rule in the public square. It preserves every American’s right to speak and write as he or she pleases and protects against efforts by a privileged few to drown out that speech with a flood of negative advertising. The access and influence that money buys corrodes the integrity of our democracy.

We look forward to a robust debate. Poll after poll confirms that a clear majority of Americans agree that it’s vital to rein in the power of big money in politics and the corruption that goes with it. The amendment is our best chance to do just that.

Common Cause participated in ballot initiative campaigns in 2012 in Colorado and Montana that provided the first demonstration of strong public support for an amendment to reverse the high court’s decision in Citizens United. Voters and/or legislative bodies in 16 states and more than 500 localities, with a total population of more than 120 million, have now called on Congress to pass an amendment.



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