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Trump’s Blatant Manipulations Undermine USPS Pivotal Role Protecting Voters in 2020 Elections

(Washington, DC) — Common Cause calls on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnel에게 call the Senate back into session to pass new COVID-19 relief legislati~에 containing at leas $25 billion to shore up the United States Postal Service. With each day bringing new reports of suspicious changes 에게 the Postal Service, Common Cause also calls on 대회 to begin an investigation in에게 일ese alarming and sudden changes resulting in systemwide slowdown of mail service, just as a global pandemic forces states to increase vote by mail and absentee voting options  

As President Trump attempts to create chaos and confusion surrounding every aspect of voting in this election그만큼 워싱턴 포스트 obtained a letter sent to election officals in 46 states saying 저것 the Postal Service could not assure them or voters that ballots will be deliver에드 before deadlines, possibly disenfranchising millions. In the letter from general counsel and executive vice president of the Postal Servicestates were warned in late July, prior to Trump’s controversial appointment of Louis DeJoy as Postmaster General.  

“With each new revelation, it appears Trump’s manipulation of the Postal Service is strategic and coordinated — a systematic attack on our most sacred right as free people – our vote. Congress must act now,” said Karen Hobert Flynn, president of Common Cause. “Seniors receiving social security checks, medicine에스food, or care packages from distant family during COVID-19 is just one example of people harmed 지금 바로 by these actions,” Hobert Flynn added. 

“If people seeking public office, especially the presidency, don’t believe their track record or ideas can get them elected and instead resort to manipulation and vote suppression —  preventing as many people as possible from voting, they might think twice about running,” Hobert Flynn said. 

Common Cause call에스 on Congress to reconvene to: 

  • Pass a new COVID-19 relief package that provide에스 $25 billion to strengthen the U.S. Postal Servicewhich was included in passed HEROES Act in May 
  • Investigate the suspicious and sudden shifts in routing postal operations by new Postmaster General Dejoy, including dramatic cuts to the workforce and the de-commissioning of ten percent of its bulk sorting machines, about 671 machines nationwide that are already causing a slowdown throughout USP에스 
  • Pass new legislation to: 
    • End the hiring freeze at USPS so many people can get back to work 
    • End the overtime cap for USPS employees 
    • Reinstate “late and extra trips” that allow carriers to catch-up on backlogged deliveries 
    • End the sudden, suspicious, and disruption operational changes put in place by DeJoy, a logistics expert who must have known the problems these change에스 would bring about 



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