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1787개의 결과

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필터 재설정



1787개의 결과

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필터 재설정

Common Cause Fights for Redistricting Reform in U.S. Supreme Court

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Common Cause Fights for Redistricting Reform in U.S. Supreme Court

Common Cause and Common Cause Illinois signed amicus briefs in Arizona State Legislature v. Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission, a U.S. Supreme Court case that threatens citizen efforts to end the undemocratic practice of congressional gerrymandering.

Aerospace Giant Northrop Grumman Flies ALEC’s coop

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Aerospace Giant Northrop Grumman Flies ALEC’s coop

One of the nation's largest defense contractors has joined the exodus from the American Legislative Exchange Council

I Didn’t Get Elected to Be a Fundraiser

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I Didn’t Get Elected to Be a Fundraiser

Then-Representative (and now Senator) Chris Murphy (D-Conn) penned an op-ed with this title in 2008 lamenting the vast amounts of time Members of Congress have to spend fundraising. If he thought things were bad then, he had no idea how awful the permanent money chase would be now. The Citizens United decision in 2010 opened the door for corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money on elections, and the SpeechNow decision shortly after paved the way for super PACs, both creating the need for Members of Congress to do more fundraising.

The Fundraising Free February Pledge

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The Fundraising Free February Pledge

I, ____________, solemnly pledge to devote each session day of the month of February 2015 to the official duties of my office as a member of the United States House of Representatives, without the distraction of electoral fundraising or other political campaign-related activities.

6 problems with the cable lobby’s “net neutrality” bill

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6 problems with the cable lobby’s “net neutrality” bill

Last week, Senator John Thune and allies proposed new telecommunications rules known as Title X. But taking a closer look, this bill falls far short of what we need to protect the Open Internet.

Millions Have Already Voted Against Citizens United

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Millions Have Already Voted Against Citizens United

In the five years since the U.S. Supreme Court’s disastrous Citizens United decision allowed unlimited amounts of money to pour into our political system, more than 5.4 million Americans have voted to support a constitutional amendment to eliminate corporate personhood and to restore constitutional rights and fair elections to the people.

Speaker’s Arrest Should Be Catalyst for Sweeping Ethics Reforms

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Speaker’s Arrest Should Be Catalyst for Sweeping Ethics Reforms

In a shocking, but not unexpected development, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver was arrested today and indicted in federal court on bribery and corruption charges. The Speaker Silver’s arrest further reveals the crucial role the Moreland Commission played in bringing corruption in New York State government to light, a role which Common Cause/NY helped to encourage through our Moreland Monday series of reports .

대통령의 놓친 기회

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대통령의 놓친 기회

대통령은 세법 재조정, 대학 비용 절감, 최저 임금 인상, 국가 인프라 재건, 온라인 정보 보호 등에 대한 구체적인 계획이 담긴 70분 분량의 연방 정부 연두교서 연설을 한 지 몇 시간 후인 수요일에 민주주의를 고치는 것에 대한 6개의 무해한 문장만 말할 뿐 구체적인 계획은 없었습니다.

Activists Rally On Citizens United Fifth Anniversary

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Activists Rally On Citizens United Fifth Anniversary

Dozens of activists from Common Cause and partner organizations rallied against big money in politics today at Lafayette Square, wedged between the Chamber of Commerce and the White House, on the fifth anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling.



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