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1787개의 결과

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필터 재설정



1787개의 결과

~을 통해

필터 재설정

Student Debt

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Student Debt

As Americans face $1.2 trillion in student loan debt and 60 percent of Americans support a plan to give students the same interest rates as big banks, Wall Street banks -- many of which profit off student loans -- spent more than $100 million on the 2014 election.

네트 중립성

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네트 중립성

미국인의 80% 이상이 인터넷을 모든 사람에게 개방하는 규제를 지지합니다. 하지만 통신 산업 거물과 반망 중립성 로비단체가 2014년 선거에서 $4280만 달러 이상을 지출하여 중요한 소비자 보호를 없애고 온라인에서 빠르고 느린 차선을 확립할 수 있는 자유를 주는 후보를 선출하면서 망 중립성은 실마리를 놓치고 있습니다.

Moving Forward

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Moving Forward

The Citizens United decision and the massive amount of money it has brought into American politics has led to a government that is no longer of, by or for the people, but instead works for those who can write the biggest campaign checks.

Minimum Wage

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Minimum Wage

More than 70 percent percent of Americans support an increase in the national minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. But minimum wage legislation is frozen in Congress. Part of the reason is big political spending by low-paying employers. In the 2014 cycle, Walmart alone spent $14.8 million on political contributions and lobbying. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce spent over $35 million in independent expenditures.

Gun Control

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Gun Control

While 90 percent of Americans support background checks, and even as the massacres at Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook Elementary School stunned the nation and spurred calls for sensible gun controls, the National Rifle Association spent more than $31.4 million during the 2014 election cycle in a successful drive to stave off reform.

Climate Change

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Climate Change

Floods and droughts are now devastating large areas of America, providing more evidence of the disastrous impact of climate change. But legislation to attack the buildup of carbon in our atmosphere has stalled as the energy sector has poured money into our elections, spending nearly $100 million just on the 2014 elections. That total doesn't include millions more invested by fossil fuel-backed "dark money" groups that conceal their donors. This is despite the fact that two-thirds of Americans acknowledge climate change is a problem.

5 Years After Citizens United, We Ask: Whose Government? Whose Voice?

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5 Years After Citizens United, We Ask: Whose Government? Whose Voice?

Next week marks the 5th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic – and historically flawed – decision in Citizens United v. FEC decision that declared special interest groups have a right to spend as much as they wish to influence elections.

ALEC’s War On Democracy

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ALEC’s War On Democracy

Our democracy is in serious trouble -- corporations and wealthy individuals are pumping unprecedented amounts of money into our system through secretive outside groups to buy more political power for themselves. And ALEC, the shadowy corporate lobby group, is doing everything they can to keep it that way.

The Biggest FCC Vote Ever

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The Biggest FCC Vote Ever

The FCC is gearing up to vote on net neutrality at its February meeting

Comcast’s war on net neutrality

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Comcast’s war on net neutrality

I spoke with Thom Hartmann about the telecom industry's attacks on a free and open internet

Common Cause Top Highlights of 2014

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Common Cause Top Highlights of 2014

It has been an exciting year for Common Cause, with a new president and a renewed sense of mission. 2014 has been a year of growth as well as a year of transition, and a revitalized Common Cause is poised to take an enhanced leadership role at both the national and state levels on our core issues of Money in Politics, Voting and Elections, Media & Democracy, and Ethics in Government. At the same time we are broadening our vision, challenging ourselves to examine the link between economic and racial inequity and the dysfunction of democracy.

Common Cause on 60 Minutes

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Common Cause on 60 Minutes

Last night, 60 Minutes profiled retiring Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK). A physician by training, Sen. Coburn is known by many as “Dr. No” for his relentless record of blocking debate on proposed bills that he opposes.



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