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1787개의 결과

~을 통해

필터 재설정



1787개의 결과

~을 통해

필터 재설정

A Big Win In the Midwest

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A Big Win In the Midwest

The Illinois legislature passed Election Day Registration, expanded early voting and other electoral reforms

Common Cause Member Briefing

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Common Cause Member Briefing

Common Cause President Miles Rapoport, Board Chair Robert Reich, and Senior Vice President for Strategy and Programs Karen Hobert Flynn take questions from our members.

Newly Released Emails Detail Strategy for Illegal Gerrymandering in Florida

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Newly Released Emails Detail Strategy for Illegal Gerrymandering in Florida

The Florida Supreme Court ordered the release of 528 pages of emails sent between partisan political consultants and state officials that detailed a strategy for illegally gerrymandering the state’s congressional districts.

Obama Actions on Immigration are Lawful, Limited, and Restrained — and Advance Democracy

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Obama Actions on Immigration are Lawful, Limited, and Restrained — and Advance Democracy

President Obama’s executive actions on immigration are lawful, limited and restrained steps toward fixing an immigration system that is demonstrably broken, unjust and unenforceable. They attempt to make good on the promise of a democracy founded by immigrants. They will allow millions of families to emerge from the shadows and become full participants in our economy and our society, and build on the fundamentally American impulse and democratic principle of welcoming new immigrants and appreciating their contributions to our culture...

Abolishing the filibuster, one year later

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Abolishing the filibuster, one year later

It's freezing in Washington this week, but it's not the nuclear winter some Republican senators predicted one year ago today.

Chris Christie Is Dancing In the Dark Money

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Chris Christie Is Dancing In the Dark Money

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a potential 2016 Republican presidential candidate, has a strange plan for campaign finance reform. In a recent radio interview, Chris Christie called for complete disclosure of campaign contributions and the end of secret dark money groups.

Common Cause Ohio Testifies Today in Ohio General Assembly on Redistricting Proposals

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Common Cause Ohio Testifies Today in Ohio General Assembly on Redistricting Proposals

Following Senate Session today, Ann Henkener of the League of Women Voters of Ohio and Sam Gresham of Common Cause Ohio will be testifying before the Ohio House Policy and Legislative Oversight Committee about proposed redistricting reform proposals House Joint Resolutions 11 and 12.

더 많은 기업들이 ALEC과 거리를 두고 있습니다.

블로그 게시물

더 많은 기업들이 ALEC과 거리를 두고 있습니다.

최근 몇 달 동안 Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Yelp, Yahoo, International Paper, Occidental Petroleum, News Corp, Overstock.com, SAP America, AOL을 비롯한 주요 회사는 모두 미국 입법교류협의회(ALEC)를 탈퇴했거나 탈퇴할 것이라고 발표했습니다. ALEC은 주 정치인과 기업 로비스트들을 비밀리에 모아 법률을 개정하는 비밀 단체입니다.

A Pipeline Full of Special Interest Money

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A Pipeline Full of Special Interest Money

As the U.S. Senate votes on the Keystone XL pipeline today, a new Common Cause analysis reveals that special interest money is what’s really driving the debate.



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