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1787개의 결과

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필터 재설정



1787개의 결과

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필터 재설정

Fighting For Net Neutrality in Burlington

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Fighting For Net Neutrality in Burlington

The Media and Democracy team recently traveled to beautiful Burlington, Vermont. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) invited Michael Copps, former FCC Commissioner and special advisor to our Media and Democracy program, to testify on the Open Internet ("net neutrality").

FCC Calls for Political Ad Disclosure

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FCC Calls for Political Ad Disclosure

Politicians have learned to harness every form of technology to manipulate voters, but none are more visible than ads on TV. For many voters who haven't had time to do their own research, these ads may be the only information they have as they head to the polls.

하와이, 선거 참여에 진전

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하와이, 선거 참여에 진전

하와이는 선거에 더 많이 참여하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 주의 현재 낮은 투표율에 맞서고 투표함에 대한 접근성을 확대하기 위해 닐 애버크롬비 주지사는 유권자들이 2016년부터 부재자 투표소에서 등록할 수 있도록 하는 법안에 서명하여 2018년에 선거일 등록을 시작할 수 있는 길을 열었습니다.

Common Cause, Students Press Sallie Mae to Disclose All Lobbying

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Common Cause, Students Press Sallie Mae to Disclose All Lobbying

Common Cause and other public interest groups called on student loan giant Sallie Mae today to make detailed financial disclosures of its lobbying activity.

Koch-backed Groups Linked to Scalia Trip, Speech Last Summer

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Koch-backed Groups Linked to Scalia Trip, Speech Last Summer

Minutes after a lawyers’ group funded in part by industrialists Charles and David Koch welcomed Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia for a luncheon speech last August, another Koch-backed entity led a “stop government spending” rally in the same Montana hotel, a Common Cause analysis of Scalia’s annual financial disclosure report indicates

새로 공개된 문서, 스콧 워커를 난처한 처지에 빠뜨려

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새로 공개된 문서, 스콧 워커를 난처한 처지에 빠뜨려

목요일 시카고 연방 항소 법원에서 공개한 문서에 따르면, 위스콘신 주지사 스콧 워커의 2012년 리콜 선거 캠페인은 특수 이익 집단과 손잡고 – 아마도 불법적으로 – 일한 것으로 보인다.

Peeking Under the Rock That Is ALEC

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Peeking Under the Rock That Is ALEC

A powerful new documentary from Montana PBS, “Brought To You By ALEC,” looks under the rock that is the American Legislative Exchange Council — and what we see isn’t pretty.



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