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1787개의 결과

~을 통해

필터 재설정



1787개의 결과

~을 통해

필터 재설정

Scott Pruitt’s Legal Conflicts of Interest Threaten the EPA

블로그 게시물

Scott Pruitt’s Legal Conflicts of Interest Threaten the EPA

Do President Trump and his Republican allies in the Senate really want to entrust the responsibility for protecting our environment to a man who has been in the forefront of legal efforts to block or overturn federal rules enforcing clean air and clean water laws? Hard to believe, but it sure looks that way.

Will Steve Mnuchin Defend American Prosperity as Treasury Secretary?

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Will Steve Mnuchin Defend American Prosperity as Treasury Secretary?

Steve Mnuchin will likely be the United States’ next Treasury Secretary – perhaps by Monday evening. But will he have your back? The signs are not encouraging.

Another Trump Aide Plays Fast and Loose With Ethics Rules

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Another Trump Aide Plays Fast and Loose With Ethics Rules

Kellyanne Conway, the President’s polling and communications guru, showed up on “Fox & Friends” this morning to deliver a plug for first daughter Ivanka Trump’s fashion line.

Gorsuch Confirmation Shaping Up As a Debate on Judicial Independence

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Gorsuch Confirmation Shaping Up As a Debate on Judicial Independence

A week after President Trump nominated him to serve on the Supreme Court, federal appeals court Judge Neil Gorsuch is emerging as the central figure in a debate over the independence of the federal judiciary.

Gorsuch and Democracy Reform: Lots of Unanswered Questions

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Gorsuch and Democracy Reform: Lots of Unanswered Questions

Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nomination will likely shape the court – and American law -- for decades to come, as it is expected to restore the conservative majority lost when Justice Antonin Scalia died last year. So it’s no wonder that a long list of advocacy organizations, including Common Cause, are now busy dissecting the record of Trump’s nominee, appeals court Judge Neil Gorsuch.

Free Speech Is Taking a Beating in the Senate

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Free Speech Is Taking a Beating in the Senate

Sen. Elizabeth Warren was kicked off the Senate floor after repeating statements that had been made there more than 30 years ago

More Trouble for Trump’s Cabinet Choices

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More Trouble for Trump’s Cabinet Choices

President Trump's nominee for Labor Secretary is in trouble for employing an undocumented immigrant as a housekeeper

Trump’s Attack on Judge Draws Fire

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Trump’s Attack on Judge Draws Fire

Trump's attack on the judiciary is drawing flak from Republicans as well as Democrats



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