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1787개의 결과

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필터 재설정



1787개의 결과

~을 통해

필터 재설정

말하지 않은 이야기도 중요합니다

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말하지 않은 이야기도 중요합니다

당신이 기자라고 가정해 보세요(만약 당신이 정말 기자라면, 그건 무시하고 어쨌든 읽어보세요) 그리고 누군가가 전화를 걸어와서 "독자/청취자들이 알고 싶어할 만한 적절하고 시기적절한 기사가 있습니다. 망가진 거액 선거 캠페인을 정리하는 데 도움을 줄 권한과 책임이 있는 정부 기관이 있는데, 그 기관은 제 역할을 하지 않으려고 합니다."라고 말합니다. 설명해 드리겠습니다.

City of Sacramento Approves Language for Independent Redistricting Referendum

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City of Sacramento Approves Language for Independent Redistricting Referendum

The Sacramento City Council approved language for a November referendum to create an independent redistricting commission to draw City Council districts. Following the successful efforts of the California Citizens Redistricting Commission to draw congressional, state legislative, and Board of Equalization districts based on nonpartisan criteria, municipalities are beginning to follow suit.

더 이상 조작된 선거 지도는 없습니다.

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더 이상 조작된 선거 지도는 없습니다.

이번 주, 매디슨의 바바라 크랩 판사 법정에서 중요한 재판이 진행 중입니다. 결과는 위스콘신뿐만 아니라 전국에 큰 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.

Organization Representing 40 Local Governments in Pennsylvania Demands Redistricting Reform

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Organization Representing 40 Local Governments in Pennsylvania Demands Redistricting Reform

Capital Region Council of Governments (CapCOG) – a council of governments that represents 40 Boroughs, Cities and Townships surrounding Harrisburg – passed a resolution calling for a constitutional amendment to end partisan gerrymandering. The CapCOG resolution follows in the footsteps of the Cumberland County, Pittsburgh City Council, and Swarthmore Borough Council resolutions, demanding an end to partisan gerrymandering by way of a constitutional amendment.

Voting Advocates to the Ohio House: Don’t put a pricetag on voting

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Voting Advocates to the Ohio House: Don’t put a pricetag on voting

Common Cause Ohio and other voting advocates are urging legislators to derail a fast- tracked bill that would make it tougher for state courts to protect every voter’s right to cast a ballot in the 2016 presidential election.

Ohio moving forward on open goverment

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Ohio moving forward on open goverment

Common Cause Ohio is celebrating one victory and going to work toward another in the ongoing fight to ensure that citizens have ready and complete access to information about the workings of government.

Iowa’s redistricting model deserves bipartisan support

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Iowa’s redistricting model deserves bipartisan support

Not so long ago, Wisconsin was heralded as a national model for clean, accountable and open government. Other states sought to emulate Wisconsin’s system of government. We cannot say this today. Perhaps the most notable reason is the unwillingness of our legislators to pass or even discuss nonpartisan redistricting of Wisconsin’s congressional and state legislative districts.

Indiana should let citizens play key role in redistricting

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Indiana should let citizens play key role in redistricting

The Special Interim Committee should be called upon and encouraged to draft a strong reform proposal which should include a citizen-led redistricting commission that will draw districts according to a set of statutory guidelines. Reform of the redistricting process before the next round of maps are drawn in 2021 is critical to the future of the electoral process.

Gerrymander Gazette – October 2016

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Gerrymander Gazette – October 2016

Welcome to the third edition of the Gerrymander Gazette, Common Cause’s newsletter on redistricting reform efforts around the country.



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귀하의 주에서 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 보고 싶으신가요?

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