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*전화번호를 제공하면 Common Cause에서 95559로 보내는 모바일 알림을 받는 데 동의하는 것입니다. 메시지 및 데이터 요금이 적용됩니다.


1787개의 결과

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필터 재설정



1787개의 결과

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필터 재설정

미국의 정의를 위한 여정의 영상

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미국의 정의를 위한 여정의 영상

2015년 9월 3일 노스캐롤라이나주 롤리에서 열린 정의를 위한 여정 집회의 영상을 시청하세요.

Proof Small Donors Are Good Doesn’t Mean SuperPACs Aren’t Bad

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Proof Small Donors Are Good Doesn’t Mean SuperPACs Aren’t Bad

The success of small donors lifting Bernie Sanders and Ben Carson isn’t proof that SuperPACS aren’t a threat – but it is proof that we the people can change the laws and change the system and restore a sense of balance to our democracy by reminding politicians public service is about the public, not the private interests.

Why We Need The People’s Pledge

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Why We Need The People’s Pledge

With big dollar donors effectively in control of American politics, writing six- and seven-figure checks to super PAC’s to support ad campaigns that confuse viewers and distort the views and records of candidates, it’s no surprise that voters are increasingly cynical about public affairs.

Common Cause Turns 45

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Common Cause Turns 45

Common Cause, Gardner’s ambitious project, was launched 45 years ago today. In an open letter to the nation, he described it as a “citizens’ lobby,” composed of Democrats, Republicans and independent-minded Americans who shared his concern with the country’s direction and his determination to address it.

A Chance to March in Solidarity

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A Chance to March in Solidarity

Allegra Chapman, Director of Voting and Elections for Common Cause on her experience at America's Journey for Justice

Georgia Update – America’s Journey for Justice

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Georgia Update – America’s Journey for Justice

Ryan Splitlog, Assistant Director of Common Cause Georgia, gives a report from Georgia on America's Journey for Justice

A New Lifeline for Democracy

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A New Lifeline for Democracy

A decades-old federal program that helps low-income families purchase basic telephone service is being modernized in a way that will encourage those families to become more active, better informed citizens.

Competition benefits everyone

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Competition benefits everyone

What happens when a community treats the Internet like an essential service?

Forget Big Donors, 2016 Is Going To Be the Election of Mega-Donors

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Forget Big Donors, 2016 Is Going To Be the Election of Mega-Donors

Most of the 2016 presidential candidates and their Super PACs filed campaign finance reports with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) late last week. These documents give a sneak-peek of how the 2016 election is shaping up to be the election of mega-donors.



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