
Common Cause의 2024년 민주주의 점수표에서 워싱턴의 높은 점수 

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Common Cause의 2024년 민주주의 점수표에서 워싱턴의 높은 점수 

워싱턴 — 비당파 감시 기관인 Common Cause가 2024년 "민주주의 점수표"를 발표하여 의회의 모든 의원이 투표권, 대법원 윤리 및 기타 개혁을 지지하는 내용을 기록했습니다.  

미디어 연락처

데이비드 밴스

국가 미디어 전략가

케이티 스칼리

커뮤니케이션 디렉터

아리아나 마르몰레호

지역 커뮤니케이션 전략가(서부)

제니퍼 가르시아

지역 커뮤니케이션 전략가(남부)

케니 콜스턴

지역 커뮤니케이션 전략가(중서부)

Common Cause의 국가 및 주 민주주의 개혁 전문가 네트워크는 빈번한 미디어 해설자입니다. 전문가와 대화하려면 위의 언론팀 멤버에게 연락하세요.


4028개의 결과

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필터 재설정



4028개의 결과

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필터 재설정

Denver Post: Colorado lawmakers often win seats with dozens of votes. Would a different process to fill vacancies be fairer?

뉴스 클립

Denver Post: Colorado lawmakers often win seats with dozens of votes. Would a different process to fill vacancies be fairer?

“We have every confidence that lawmakers who enter the legislature this way are able to earn the trust of their district and represent the interests of the voters in their district,” said Aly Belknap, the executive director of Colorado Common Cause, an election-advocacy group.
“Even so,” she added, “we know that this process doesn’t meet the standards of an inclusive and representative democracy because vacancy committees entrust this (decision) to a fraction of district voters.”

Newsweek: Ron DeSantis Poised for Huge Blow if Florida Election Map Redrawn

뉴스 클립

Newsweek: Ron DeSantis Poised for Huge Blow if Florida Election Map Redrawn

Common Cause Florida, the Florida branch of the NAACP and Fair Districts Now are suing to have the map which saw a North Florida district held by Rep. Al Lawson, a Black congressman, eliminated.

On the first day of trial, attorney Greg Baker, who is representing the plaintiff, accused DeSantis of having "pushed and pushed" to endorse the disputed congressional map which helped the Florida GOP pick up four House seats at last year's midterms elections.

"He pressed his argument by sound bite bullying," Baker...

The Messenger: Elon Musk’s X Cuts Half of Election Integrity Team

뉴스 클립

The Messenger: Elon Musk’s X Cuts Half of Election Integrity Team

Ishan Mehta, director for media and democracy at Common Cause, another watchdog organization, said X has largely severed communications with groups like his and that the layoffs were "dangerous and irresponsible for a platform that has many millions of users."

MSN/Public News Service: Progressives call push to change Constitution ‘risky’

뉴스 클립

MSN/Public News Service: Progressives call push to change Constitution ‘risky’

Jonathan Mehta Stein, executive director of California Common Cause, said the risk of a runaway convention is too great, because there are very few rules in place.

"We would have no idea who's seeking to influence the members of the constitutional Convention," Stein pointed out. "What lobbying would be happening behind the scenes? Would there be public-records requirements? Would there be transparency requirements? We just have no idea."

Ohio Capital Journal: Ohio Redistricting Commission adopts sixth version of Statehouse maps with bipartisan support

뉴스 클립

Ohio Capital Journal: Ohio Redistricting Commission adopts sixth version of Statehouse maps with bipartisan support

“This corrupt, undemocratic process has resulted in rigged maps that help politicians and their friends get re-elected at the expense of Ohio families and communities,” said Catherine Turcer, Executive Director of Common Cause Ohio, speaking on behalf of Fair Districts. “We are working together on an amendment to ban politicians from map drawing so that Ohio voters get the impartial districts they fundamentally deserve, and lawmakers will be responsive to the people rather than mega-donors and lobbyists.”

CT Insider: CT’s absentee ballot boxes are under fire amid Bridgeport investigation. Here’s what to know

뉴스 클립

CT Insider: CT’s absentee ballot boxes are under fire amid Bridgeport investigation. Here’s what to know

Cheri Quickmire, executive director of Connecticut's chapter of Common Cause, an advocacy group focused on accountable government, says the investigation in Bridgeport isn't a reason to restrict or remove absentee ballot drop boxes.

"This does not demonstrate a problem with the boxes," Quickmire said. "It demonstrates a problem with the local officials in Bridgeport."

In Quickmire's view, the boxes "absolutely are successful at giving voters an alternative way to submit their ballot."


Charlotte Observer: Redistricting has started in NC. Wait, again? Here’s what to know.

뉴스 클립

Charlotte Observer: Redistricting has started in NC. Wait, again? Here’s what to know.

Over 50 groups, led by Common Cause NC, sent a letter to lawmakers on Monday expressing concern about the budget provision and demanding an “open and transparent” redistricting process. “We urge you to make the promise of democracy real by leading a redistricting process that creates voting plans reflective of the actual demographics, values, interests, and needs of North Carolinians,” the letter said.

Politico: DeSantis top aide grilled over map that dismantled seat held by Black Democrat

뉴스 클립

Politico: DeSantis top aide grilled over map that dismantled seat held by Black Democrat

Kathay Feng, Common Cause vice president for programs who was on hand for the trial, contended that Kelly’s testimony showed that the DeSantis administration was struggling to explain their actions.

“There’s a lot of twisting and turning, there’s a lot of fabrication, there’s a lot of denial of history,” Feng said.

Associated Press: DeSantis purposely dismantled a Black congressional district, attorney says as trial over map begins

뉴스 클립

Associated Press: DeSantis purposely dismantled a Black congressional district, attorney says as trial over map begins

“The governor pushed and pushed and pushed,” said attorney Greg Baker who represents Common Cause Florida, the Florida branch of the NAACP and Fair Districts who are now are suing to have the map thrown out.. “He pressed his argument by sound bite bullying.”

Baker, who represents the three organizations along with 10 individual voters, told a three-judge panel that DeSantis’ goal was to dismantle the district then held by Democratic Rep. Al Lawson, who is Black, and disperse it among other conservative north Florida...

FCC 의장, 넷 중립성 회복을 위한 진행 발표

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FCC 의장, 넷 중립성 회복을 위한 진행 발표

오늘, 연방통신위원회(FCC) 위원장 제시카 로젠워셀은 해당 기관이 넷 중립성을 회복하기 위한 절차를 시작할 것이라고 발표했습니다. 로젠워셀 위원장은 National Press Club에서 연설하면서 2023년 10월 19일 해당 기관의 공개 회의에서 공식적으로 "제안된 규칙 제정 통지"를 제출할 것이라고 말했습니다. 이 규칙 제정은 광대역 공급자를 감독하고 개방형 인터넷 보호를 시행하는 통신법 제2편에 따른 FCC의 권한을 회복할 것입니다. 개방형 인터넷 명령은 트럼프 대통령의 임기 동안 폐지되었습니다...



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