보도 자료
President-elect Donald Trump still has not signed legal documents – including an ethics pledge - needed to formally begin his administration’s transition of power. Candidates usually file these documents well in advance of the election. As a result of this delay, the government cannot provide security clearances, briefings and resources to Trump’s incoming team before he is sworn into office on January 20th.
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Common Cause의 국가 및 주 민주주의 개혁 전문가 네트워크는 빈번한 미디어 해설자입니다. 전문가와 대화하려면 위의 언론팀 멤버에게 연락하세요.
뉴스 클립
Yahoo! News: Do debates between candidates actually matter?
“The value of debating in a democracy shouldn’t be understated. It’s a proven part of the process that helps voters become informed and make decisions on who is best to represent them in government. Voters deserve to know where candidates stand on certain issues, and debates and candidate forums are one of the best tools we have.” — Geoff Foster, executive director of Common Cause Massachusetts, to WGBH
뉴스 클립
Bloomberg: Voter Purges May Be Illegal 90 Days Before an Election — Republicans Are Trying Anyway
Aunna Dennis, executive director of Common Cause Georgia, said that voters whose registration has been challenged will face different outcomes depending on their county.
“Counties are not getting proper guidance from the state on how to handle these mass challenges,” she said.
“Counties are not getting proper guidance from the state on how to handle these mass challenges,” she said.
뉴스 클립
Charlotte Observer: ‘Death knell of democracy’: A dangerous Supreme Court case, with NC at the center
“What’s at stake is really our American notion of what it means to have a responsive and participatory democracy,” Kathay Feng, national redistricting director for Common Cause, said. “The question is, how important is that to us? Because this one theory would threaten to dismantle those fundamental principles.”
Common Cause North Carolina and the Southern Coalition for Social Justice have launched a statewide tour — holding town halls in all 100 counties — to build a movement against the case. Riggs, who will...
Common Cause North Carolina and the Southern Coalition for Social Justice have launched a statewide tour — holding town halls in all 100 counties — to build a movement against the case. Riggs, who will...
뉴스 클립
Newsday: Garland need not sweat the bar set by Barr
"Mr. Berman should've immediately disclosed what he knew to the public, and certainly should have provided all of these details during his 2020 congressional testimony," said Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause/NY. "It is not acceptable for public officials to hoard valuable information — about possible illegality — in order to cash in on it, when their first obligation must be to the people they're sworn to serve."
뉴스 클립
Center for Public Integrity: Voters in jail face ‘de facto disenfranchisement’
“That is creating a system where if you are rich enough, you can access your right to vote, because you’ll be able to get out of pretrial detention,” said Sylvia Albert of Common Cause. “And if you aren’t rich enough, then you can’t access your right to vote.”
뉴스 클립
Ohio Capital Journal: Discussions underway to propose new redistricting reform to Ohio voters
“This process could have worked,” said Catherine Turcer, executive director of Common Cause Ohio. “It should have worked, and we have constitutional officers who have refused to actually follow what Ohio voters have put in the (state) constitution.”
“You’re talking about these folks, they’re drunk on power,” Turcer said. “And when people are drunk, what do you do? You take away their car keys.” ...
“What is super clear to me is that the Ohio Constitution gives us the opportunity to tackle...
“You’re talking about these folks, they’re drunk on power,” Turcer said. “And when people are drunk, what do you do? You take away their car keys.” ...
“What is super clear to me is that the Ohio Constitution gives us the opportunity to tackle...
뉴스 클립
Salon: Experts warn Supreme Court supporting ‘dangerous’ GOP legal theory could destroy US democracy
Speaking of the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court hearing of Moore v. Harper during a Monday webinar co-hosted by the Southern Coalition for Social Justice, Kathay Feng, national redistricting director at Common Cause, said that "the date has yet to be set, but what we do know is the question at issue: Whether state legislatures should be given absolute and supreme power to create voting laws and redistricting maps for congressional elections."
Feng blasted what she called the GOP's "down and dirty" map rigging as "illegal and...
Feng blasted what she called the GOP's "down and dirty" map rigging as "illegal and...
보도 자료
Common Cause는 인구 조사를 정치적 조작 및 학대로부터 보호하기 위한 법안에 대해 "예" 투표를 촉구합니다.
Common Cause는 미국 하원의 모든 의원에게 공정하고 정확한 인구조사법(HR 8326)에 "예"라고 투표할 것을 촉구합니다. 이는 향후 인구조사가 2020년 인구조사에서 나타났던 전례 없는 수준의 부정 행위와 정치화에 노출되지 않도록 하기 위한 것입니다. 이 편지는 헌법이 요구하는 대로 매 10년마다 미국에 있는 모든 사람을 투명하고 정확하게 조사하는 것의 중요성을 강조합니다. 그 조사는 국가의 정부, 공공 정책 및 예산을 형성하기 때문입니다...
뉴스 클립
Boston Globe: In R.I., new pattern of voting methods taking shape
John M. Marion, executive director of Common Cause Rhode Island, said the state will need a few election cycles to gauge what the new permanent voting pattern will be, but this year is bound to see an increased percentage of voters casting ballots by mail and early voting as compared to pre-pandemic levels.
“In 2020, tens of thousands of people tried voting early or by mail for the first time and many of them liked it,” Marion said. “And that is what we have seen in other states: As you make voting more convenient and...
“In 2020, tens of thousands of people tried voting early or by mail for the first time and many of them liked it,” Marion said. “And that is what we have seen in other states: As you make voting more convenient and...
보도 자료
새로운 결과: Common Cause가 1월 6일 이후 첫 선거를 위한 "Our Democracy 2022" 후보자 설문 조사를 발표
Common Cause는 오늘 1월 6일 이후 첫 선거를 앞두고 Our Democracy 2022 후보자 설문 조사의 초기 결과를 발표했습니다. 선거일까지 2개월이 남은 가운데, 특정 하원 및 상원 경쟁을 포함한 100명 이상의 의회 후보가 우리 민주주의를 수호하고 강화하겠다고 약속한 방법에 대해 응답했습니다.
보도 자료
미디어 브리핑: 정치보다 사람을 우선시하려는 우리의 투쟁이 어떻게 미국 대법원으로 이어졌는가
전국 및 지역 전문가들은 다가올 Moore v. Harper 사건이 선거와 투표의 자유에 미치는 위험을 설명합니다.
뉴스 클립
Boston Globe: Attack ad aimed at boosting Gorbea draws fresh fire
John M. Marion, executive director Common Cause Rhode Island, on Friday said his organization is considering filing a complaint with the state Board of Elections over the ad, which is titled “Who’s Worse?”
Common Cause pushed for a 2012 political spending transparency law in response to the US Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision, and the law requires ads by outside groups to list the top five donors to those groups. But Marion noted that the Latino Victory Fund ad did not list its top donors.
Common Cause pushed for a 2012 political spending transparency law in response to the US Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision, and the law requires ads by outside groups to list the top five donors to those groups. But Marion noted that the Latino Victory Fund ad did not list its top donors.