
카터/그레스먼 대 채프먼

우리는 펜실베이니아 의회 지도의 재구획을 결정하는 소송에 개입하기 위해 움직였고, 궁극적으로 법원에 제안된 지도를 제출하여 법정의 친구로서 참여했습니다.

On December 31, 2021, Common Cause Pennsylvania’s Executive Director Khalif Ali joined plaintiffs from across the state in filing an Application to Intervene in the ongoing congressional redistricting litigation currently before the Commonwealth Court. Plaintiffs were represented by the Public Interest Law Center and Dechert, LLP.  The litigation generally called on the Court to take over the congressional mapmaking process if the General Assembly and Pennsylvania Governor were unable to agree on a map. Additionally, Khalif and the other plaintiffs argued that the court should ensure that any map follows the redistricting criteria laid out in League of Women Voters of PA v. Commonwealth including protecting communities of interest, that partisan considerations including attempts to benefit any incumbent or candidate should not overtake the LWVPA criteria, and that the Court should use data that is adjusted to count incarcerated individuals in their homes, not their cells.

Although the Court denied the request to intervene, we participated as amicus and submitted a community-driven map that used adjusted data. You can see the map and brief here.

The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania took jurisdiction over the case and required Judge McCullough of the Commonwealth Court to issue a report by February 7, 2022. Judge McCullough’s report (read it here) recommended that the Supreme Court adopt the Republican Caucuses map (HB 2146), which was passed on a party line vote through both chambers, but vetoed by Governor Wolf.

The Supreme Court permitted all parties and amici to submit briefs and exceptions to Judge McCullough’s report. You can read ours here. We argue that Judge McCullough made several mistakes, including giving unwarranted deference to the Pennsylvania legislature, prioritizing some splits while ignoring others, and failing to acknowledge the importance of counting incarcerated people at their homes not their cells.

PA Supreme Court Opinion

On March 9, 2022, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania released their opinions (dissents and concurrences) regarding the case and selected a new voting map to take effect. While our proposed map was not selected, the final map holds most of the state’s communities of interest together, including keeping the Capitol Region whole and not splitting the Hazelton/Wilkes-Barre/Scranton region.

Read the Majority Opinion 우리의 성명을 읽어보세요

귀하의 재정 지원은 우리가 다음과 같은 영향을 미치는 데 도움이 됩니다. 권력에 책임을 묻는다 민주주의를 강화합니다.




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