
트럼프가 비영리단체에 복수하는 것을 막자

상원은 트럼프 대통령 당선인에게 동의하지 않는 비영리 단체를 폐쇄할 수 있는 권한을 부여하는 HR 9495를 기각해야 합니다.

이런 디스토피아적 입법은 트럼프와 다른 미래의 대통령에게 백악관의 정책에 평화적으로 저항하거나 동의하지 않는 단체에 복수할 수 있는 무한수표를 제공할 것입니다.

우리는 이 수치스러운 법안을 차단하고 반대의견을 표명할 우리의 권리를 보호해 줄 것을 촉구합니다.

공통 원인

관련 이슈

The House of Representatives has passed a dangerous bill that would give President-elect Trump – and any future president – a blank check to take revenge on political enemies. [1]

That’s right, H.R. 9495 would allow the president to SHUT DOWN any nonprofit organization whose First Amendment-protected speech he deems a threat to the country.  

And we know how that power would be abused – painting a target on organizations that are peacefully resisting or dissenting from the White House’s policies.  

But here’s the good news: thanks to over 7,000 letters and calls from Common Cause members like you, we helped build unprecedented opposition to this legislation – convincing 39 representatives to flip their vote and oppose this bill. [2]

With your action, we’re confident that we can convince enough Senators to BLOCK this legislation and stop it from becoming law.

Add your name to tell the Senate to REJECT this dystopian attack on our right to dissent.

[1] https://theintercept.com/2024/11/21/gop-house-trump-nonprofit-authoritarian/
[2] https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024477



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