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7 Key Moments from the Ninth January 6 Hearing

On Thursday, October 13, the nonpartisan January 6 Committee held its ninth public hearing. The Committee revealed never-before-seen evidence showing Donald Trump’s central role in overturning the results of the legitimate 2020 election starting well ahead of Election Day. They ended the hearing with a bi-partisan, unanimous vote to subpoena Donald Trump.  

Here are the seven key moments from the Committee’s final hearing: 

  1. Donald Trump had a premeditated plan to declare victory in the November 2020 election, even if he lost.


  1. Trump’s co-conspirator, Roger Stone, and others, pushed Trump to fraudulently and violently claim victory in the 2020 election.


  1. Donald Trump admitted, in private, that he lost re-election. 


  1. When the Supreme Court rejected Donald Trump’s claims of election fraud as false, Trump didn’t want to tell the American people the truth: that he fairly lost.

  1. Two days before January 6, an insurrectionist said Trump would ask his supporters to march to the Capitol. 



  1. As early as December 2020, the Secret Service knew Trump supporters planned to march to DC armed and outnumber and overwhelm the police. Trump went forward with the January 6 rally and insurrection.


  1. The January 6 Committee, Democrats and Republicans, voted unanimously to subpoena Donald Trump for documents and testimony under oath for his role in the attack on our country. 


To see the full hearing for yourself, 여기를 클릭하세요 

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