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Republicans Say Count Every Vote

Republican leaders across the country call for accurate ballot count.

This election cycle has been like no other before it. 

States are dealing with record-high turnout from voters that are working to make their voice heard, despite barriers erected by partisan politicians to keep them from the ballot box. And while this election has been significantly altered due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the swell of new eligible voters, and a sense of civic duty among folks who want to cast a ballot – one thing remains the same – the voice and will of the people will be the ones to decide who their next president is. 

Throughout the election and now as we patiently await the results, President Trump has continued to sow doubt in the election process by pursuing extraneous demands to stop ballot counting in multiple states where eligible voters turned up to make sure their voices were heard. We cannot let this hurtful rhetoric continue, and more importantly, we must trust the process and allow local election officials do their jobs. 

Many Republican leaders across the country have broken away from Trump’s malicious speech to reassure the public that the result of the vote count is valid and must continue. 

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) 말했다, “claiming you’ve won the election is different from finishing the counting.” Other Republican leaders who have spoken out include former New Jersey governor Chris Christie saying, “You have to let the process play itself out before you judge it to be flawed. And by prematurely doing this, if there is a flaw, he [President Trump] has undercut his own credibility.” 

Ohio governor Mike DeWine has also stated that while “I am for Trump… if it ends up being Biden, all of us will accept that. We believe in the rule of law. Every vote has to be counted. We as a country accept election results. We believe in counting all the votes.” Florida Senator Marco Rubio also responded to President Trump on Twitter, replying “taking days to count legally cast votes is NOT fraud.”

Illinois Representative Adam Kinzigner said, “Stop. Full stop. The votes will be counted and you will either win or lose. When the results are confirmed, we must accept the outcomes with respect for our democracy.” Maryland Governor Larry Hogan called the early victory declaration “outrageous and uncalled for and a terrible mistake,” and said, “Regardless of where you stand on this race and what party you are and who you voted for, most Americans really want a free and fair election process, and they want us to count the votes.” 

Finally, Utah Senator Mike Lee said, “It’s best for everyone to step back from the spin and allow the vote counters to do their job.” 

These Republican officials have urged calm, for all votes to be verified and counted with accuracy over speed, and for the public to trust the election officials and the process with which this must take place. 

Waiting is never fun, but some things are worth waiting for and our democracy must be one of them. At this moment, it is on us to respect the officials who have to take the time to ensure every eligible voter’s voice is heard and our democracy is upheld through the voice of the people. 



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