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North Andover calls for a constitutional amendment

Last night at North Andover’s annual town meeting residents overwhelmingly approved a resolution calling for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution affirming that corporations are not entitled to the constitutional rights of human beings. (See Article 13 in the town meeting warrant for the full text of the resolution.) The vote was 176 in favor, and 43 against. In 2013 a similar resolution was narrowly defeated by just 5 votes.

In passing the resolution, North Andover becomes the 184th community in Massachusetts (full list of communities 여기) to call for a constitutional amendment by either town meeting or ballot question vote. The Massachusetts legislature has also called for an amendment along with 15 other states and more than 500 communities nationwide.

Congratulations to Fred Nothnagel, Elaine Almquist and all others who made the win possible!

Last week the neighboring town of Andover called for a constitutional amendment at it’s town meeting.



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