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Gerrymander Gazette: Artivism edition

Trainings and Events

  • CHARGE Trainings
    • Please join Fair Count, State Voices, and League of Women Voters on September 15, 2021 at at 3-4:30p ET / 2-3:30p  CT / 1 -2:30p MT / 12 -1:30p PT for a discussion about the policy and social consequences of unfair maps featuring the authors of 주들의 Gerrymandering: 당파성, 인종, 그리고 미국의 연방주의의 변화Register here
    • 스페인어로 된 커뮤니티 칼리지 재분할: Join us on September 15 at 7:00 pm ET for the new condensed version of the Redistricting Community College presented entirely in Spanish. Register here. Translated: Este 15 de Septiembre a las 7:00 PM hora del este, CHARGE va a tener un seminario web es una versión condensada de Redistricting Community College, pero se presenta completamente en español. En este seminario, cubriremos una introducción a la redistribución de distritos, el mapeo comunitario y el activismo comunitario. Registrar aquí.
  • 오하이오 Voted to End Gerrymandering — Let’s Get To Work! Join Fair Districts Ohio has hosted a series of Regional Forums designed to inform about Redistricting in Ohio in 2021. Join us next week for the last of these events: 9/21 Cincinnati and Dayton Areas (Southwest Ohio), Tuesday, 7pm ET, Jesse Balmert, Cincinnati Enquirer to moderate. 
  • 그만큼 Colorado Independent Redistricting Commissions will release new draft maps based on 2020 Census data plus months of public testimony and comments. The Commissions will also hold special public hearings on these new maps. We must be prepared to advocate for our communities no matter what the new maps look like. The Legislative Commission will release new state House and Senate maps today (September 13). 콜로라도 공통 원인 will host special redistricting prep sessions. During these sessions we will examine the Commissions’ new maps, examine what they mean for your community, and prepare you to testify or submit written comment. Join a training:
  • Texans deserve a fair, transparent, and community-centered representation, so join a TX4All Redistricting 101 training on September 15 at 6:30 pm CT presented by Miguel Rivera, Voting Rights Outreach Coordinator with the Texas Civil Rights Project. We’ll hear from an amazing guest speaker and learn more about the redistricting process underway now, how to prepare for upcoming virtual hearings, and effective ways to draft public testimony. It’s time to engage in the 2021 map redistricting process. It’s time to reclaim our community power! Learn more here.
  • The Rhode Island General Assembly is getting ready to draw our voting maps and now is the time to make our voices heard. Join 로드아일랜드의 공통 원인 for a redistricting community activist training on September 19 at 7:00 pm ET. Register here.
  • Looking for a more creative way to spread awareness about fair maps? Submit a piece of visual art today! 공통 원인 is uplifting youth voices in democracy through “My Voice, My Art, Our Cause” an artivism contest centering young creatives. Artivism bridges the creative power of art with the strategic design of activism to bring forth social transformation. The contest is open to young artivists ages 14-28 and submissions will be accepted through September 30, 2021. Contest winners will receive up to $1,500 in cash prizes and customized swag items featuring their artwork. Visit commoncause.org/artivism for the contest rules and submission form!      

Resources and Announcements

  • 캘리포니아 공통 원인, other redistricting reform proponents, and civil rights and grassroots organizations from across California filed an amicus letter in the California Supreme Court in support of the California Citizens Redistricting Commission’s emergency motion asking the Court to extend its deadline to January 14, 2022. The goal is to prevent their deadline from falling during the December holidays. Read the amicus letter here 그리고 press release here.
  • NEW! 공통 원인 has a new webpage dedicated to ending prison gerrymandering. There, you will find webinars, testimonials, and other helpful resources to end prison gerrymandering in your state. Check out this new resource. 
  • 주의 목소리 has created a toolkit detailing how organizers can use their states’ open meetings and records laws to further their redistricting advocacy. This can be especially useful in states that don’t have specific redistricting transparency laws. Check out the toolkit here.  (Note that the toolkit currently only includes details about the laws of states within the State Voices network – please email Lata Nott at lnott@statevoices.org if you would like information about your state’s laws to be added.) 
  • 그만큼 Maryland Citizens Redistricting Commission released draft maps for illustrative and instructional purposes during its September 9 meeting. See the maps here.


이 뉴스레터는 Common Cause에서 제작하고 Dan Vicuna가 편집했습니다. Gerrymander Gazette를 구독하려면 여기를 클릭하세요. 더 많은 정보를 원하시거나 소식을 전달하려면 다음 연락처로 연락하세요. 댄 비쿠나.

지난 호는 여기에서 읽어보세요.



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