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Common Cause Hire, 2024년 선거를 위한 투표 및 민주주의 프로그램 강화

2024년 예비선거가 진행 중이고 총선이 다가오면서 Common Cause는 Jay Young을 투표 및 민주주의 부문 수석 이사로 발표하게 되어 기쁩니다. 새로 만들어진 이 직책에서 그는 모든 미국인이 선거에 참여하고 투표권을 제한하려는 노력에 반대할 수 있는 개혁을 추진하기 위한 조직의 입법, 운영 및 법적 전략을 감독할 것입니다.

WASHINGTON, D.C. –  With the 2024 primaries underway and the general election fast approaching, Common Cause is pleased to announce Jay Young as its Senior Director of Voting & Democracy. In the newly-created position, he will oversee the organization’s legislative, operational, and legal strategies to advance reforms that allow all Americans to participate in elections and to oppose efforts to restrict voting rights.

Young will supervise and coordinate Common Cause’s national and state work in election administration, election audits and security, political violence, election disinformation, youth voting, national popular vote, vote restoration and voting in jails. He will also help coordinate Common Cause’s nationwide Election Protection efforts.

Young comes to the national office from Common Cause Illinois where he has served as executive director since 2017. There he advanced many transformative campaigns that have made Illinois a national leader in voting rights. Under Young’s leadership, Common Cause partnered with Illinois state and local elections authorities to ensure safe and accessible voting through multiple election cycles.

“Jay is a proven leader and a gifted strategist who knows voting and democracy issues from the ground up and understands the critical importance of ensuring that every American has an equal voice and vote in elections that are fair and free from intimidation and outside influence,” said Virginia Kase Solomón, president of Common Cause. “We are thrilled to welcome Jay to this new position as we seek to more closely coordinate our various voting and democracy programs with each other and with our 30 state offices around the country.”

“As a longtime state executive director I have benefitted from the expertise of our national voting and democracy staff and I fully understand the competing demands faced by our state offices,” 제이 영 said. “Together our national and state staffs must chart a path forward to ensure that every voter’s voice is heard. In the current political climate we all understand that our work is not confined to election years – protecting the freedom to vote will be hard-fought every single day.”

Young will gradually transition from his role at Common Cause Illinois while the search is underway for a new executive director.

Before joining Common Cause, Jay served as an administrator for a statewide early childhood program and worked at the state level with public and private stakeholders to develop supports for Illinois children and families with the greatest needs.

Young is a graduate of Duke University and went on to receive a Master of Public Policy from the University of Chicago and a law degree from the University of Virginia.



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