
의회에 알리십시오: 수치스러운 중범죄 박탈을 종식시키십시오

모든 미국 시민은 우리 민주주의에서 목소리를 내야 합니다. 하지만 지금 당장 짐 크로우 시대의 중범죄 박탈법은 460만 명이 넘는 미국인에게 이 기본적 권리를 거부하고 있습니다.

의회는 포괄적 민주주의법을 통과시켜 이 문제를 해결해야 합니다. 이 법은 모든 미국 시민에게 투표권을 보장합니다.

청원서에 서명하세요

Voting is a right – NOT a privilege.

Every American deserves to be heard in our democracy – and have our voices matter in decisions that affect our family, friends, and community. But right now felony disenfranchisement laws deny 4.6 million Americans this fundamental right.

Felony disenfranchisement laws have a shameful history dating back to Jim Crow – when white segregationist politicians did all they could to deny Black citizens their newly-obtained right to vote.

Just look at Alabama – where white lawmakers declared openly in the early 1900’s that they wanted to establish white supremacy with felony disenfranchisement. By passing harsh felony disenfranchisement laws that included a broad range of crimes, they denied Black men their voting rights for “moral turpitude,” “vagrancy,” and other trivial charges. [1]

Today, laws vary state to state – with some granting full voting rights to currently and formerly incarcerated citizens, and others denying those rights based on those same Jim Crow-era policies.

It’s time to fix this broken system and ensure EVERY citizen has a voice in our democracy. A new bill called the Inclusive Democracy Act would do just that, restoring full voting rights for federal elections to all Americans with felony convictions. [2]

If you agree it’s time to ensure EVERY American has an equal say in our democracy, add your name to our petition telling Congress to pass the Inclusive Democracy Act.

[1] https://www.commoncause.org/page/zero-disenfranchisement/
[2] https://www.commoncause.org/press-release/national-voting-in-prison-coalition-praises-the-landmark-introduction-of-inclusive-democracy-act-of-2023/



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