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Common Cause and More Than 50 Other Groups Call on Google to Quit the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)

Common Cause and 54 other organizations joined Wednesday in asking Google to drop its membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a secretive corporate lobbying group.

Common Cause and 54 other organizations joined Wednesday in asking Google to drop its membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a secretive corporate lobbying group.

In a letter to Google offices across the country, the coalition partners urged Google to follow its motto of “Don’t Be Evil” by giving up its ALEC’s membership. The groups cited ALEC’s hidden role in writing state laws; a Common Cause complaint to the IRS challenges ALEC’s status as a nonprofit charitable organization and asserts the group functions as a lobby for its corporate members..

The letter, which comes just a few weeks after Microsoft announced its departure from ALEC, also argues that ALEC’s opposition to clean energy and net neutrality does not fit Google’s public policy agenda. ALEC, which is heavily funded by telecom and fossil fuel giants including Comcast, AT&T, ExxonMobil, and Koch Industries, has pushed “model” legislation undermining the development of clean energy and opposing net neutrality.

ALEC has been called a “stealth business lobbyist” by the New York Times. The group brings state legislators and corporate lobbyists together in private, often at posh resort hotels, to fashion a variety of legislative proposals that advance the interests of its corporate members, often at the expense of the American people.

Over the past three years more than 80 corporations and at least 400 state legislators have dropped their memberships in ALEC.

Organizations signing the letter to Google include environmental, labor, religious, citizen action, and public interest groups. The signers agreed that “in the spirit of what Google purports to be, and in the spirit of what is best for the American public: it is time for Google to end its membership in ALEC.”

You can read a copy of the letter here.

The list of organizations who have signed the letter is below:

미국 가족의 목소리
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
민주주의 행동을 위한 미국인들(ADA)
Americans United for Change
은퇴한 미국인을 위한 연합
효과적인 정부를 위한 센터
Center for Media and Democracy/ALECExposed
Christopher Reynolds Foundation
Citizens for Responsible Ethics in Washington (CREW)
Climate Parents
공통 원인
Communication Workers of America (CWA)
용기 캠페인
CREDO Action
Democracy for America
에너지 액션 연합
Forecast the Facts
Free Press
Friends Fiduciary Corporation
Good Jobs First
Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters, U.S.A.
In the Public Interest
International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT)
정의와 함께하는 일자리
League of Conservation Voters
Money Out Voters In (MOVI)
Montana Environmental Information Center
New Energy Economy
Northwest Coalition for Responsible Investment
미국 방식을 위한 사람들
Progress Now
프로그레스 플로리다
Progress Missouri
Province of St. Joseph of the Capuchin Order Milwaukee
Public Campaign
공공 시민
서비스 직원 국제 연합 (SEIU)
시에라 클럽
Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Share Action
Stand Up to ALEC
유나이티드 푸드 앤 커머셜 워커스(UFCW)
United Steelworkers (USW)
We Act Radio
일하는 미국
Zevin Asset Management



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