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Kerry’s moratorium on fundraising sets standard for “super committee”

Sen. John Kerry’s decision to forego fundraising during the work of the Congressional “super committee” on deficit reduction sets a welcome example for his colleagues, Common Cause said today.

“Oil and gas companies, big banks, wealthy investors and a host of other special interests have much at stake as Congress considers where and how to make cuts to reduce the federal deficit,” said Bob Edgar, president of the non-partisan government watchdog group. “We know they’ll be only too happy to bankroll the campaigns of super committee members who’ll protect them.

“Sen. Kerry’s decision indicates he understands how important it is that the committee do its work independently, weighing proposed budget cuts and changes in the tax code on their merits rather than on how they’ll impact political fundraising. We hope the 11 other committee members will join in his pledge to refrain from fundraising while the committee does its work.”



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