보도 자료

Common Cause Praises IRS Plan to Re-draft Rules on Political Activity by Social Welfare Groups

We're pleased that the IRS is committed to clarifying the rules for candidate-related political activity by social welfare organizations. Revisions to the originally proposed rules were certainly in order and so we view today’s development as a positive step

“We’re pleased that the IRS is committed to clarifying the rules for candidate-related political activity by social welfare organizations. Revisions to the originally proposed rules were certainly in order and so we view today’s development as a positive step.


“Common Cause filed comments on the original draft rules in an effort to ensure that partisan actors are not allowed to continue abusing our tax laws to conceal the identities of individuals and groups making six- and seven-figure investments to influence our elections. We hope the IRS’s new draft will provide better guidance to social welfare organizations that engage in non-partisan voter registration and other civic engagement activities.”


코먼 코즈(Common Cause)는 미국의 민주주의의 핵심 가치를 회복하고, 대중의 이익을 위해 일하는 개방적이고 정직하며 책임감 있는 정부를 재창조하고, 일반인이 자신의 의견을 표명할 수 있는 힘을 실어주는 데 전념하는 비당파적 대중 조직입니다.



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