
상원에 말하세요: 필리버스터를 폐지하세요

압도적으로 인기 있는 정책이 반민주주의 상원 규칙인 필리버스터에 희생양이 되는 모습을 보는 데 지쳤습니다.

우리 정부는 우리를 대표해야 하며, 그들을 집권시킨 국민의 이익을 위해 행동해야 합니다. 상원의 소수당은 거의 모든 상원 입법 업무의 결과를 계속 지시할 수 없습니다. 우리는 즉시 필리버스터를 없애야 합니다.

청원서에 서명하세요

Common Cause

The filibuster wasn’t even routinely used in the Senate until recently. By abusing a technicality that 60 senators need to vote to even begin debate on a bill, a handful of senators can effectively kill a bill that a majority of senators – and voters – support.

That’s outrageous! How can Congress truly represent the American people when a minority of partisan politicians have the power to completely stifle the will of the voters?

But we only need a simple majority vote in the Senate to abolish the filibuster. That’s hardly a radical idea – the Senate’s rules and the filibuster itself have changed more than 100 times. The filibuster doesn’t even appear in the Constitution – and major political figures, including Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, say it’s time to eliminate it.

Add your name to tell the Senate we’re counting on them to do what’s right for our democracy – by abolishing the filibuster.



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