블로그 게시물

투표의 자유법은 거대한 진전을 나타냅니다

투표의 자유법에서 협상된 틀은 국민에게 큰 진전을 의미합니다. 이는 상원이 이 획기적인 법안을 법으로 서명하기 위한 길을 찾기 위해 노력하고 있음을 보여줍니다.
Statement of Karen Hobert Flynn, Common Cause President

The negotiated framework in the Freedom to Vote Act represents a huge step forward for the people. It shows the Senate is working to find a path forward to get this landmark legislation signed into law. This legislation will strengthen our freedom to vote so that we all, regardless of political party, background, or where we live, have an equal say in the future for our family and community. The legislation leads to fair maps for Congressional districts and ending gerrymandering forever. It also makes important steps to curtail secret money in elections and encourage small-dollar donors to reduce the influence of big money. Every voter should call both of their US Senators now to say, “get the job done, protect the freedom to vote for the people.”



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