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Gerrymander Gazette: Big Win in Alabama Edition

January 25, 2022

Trainings and Events

  • The Indianapolis-Marion County City County Council launched YourVoice2022 to collect public input on redistricting. Public meetings will be held in each of the nine townships in the city. The first was held on Saturday, January 22. Common Cause Indiana is encouraging its members to attend the public meetings and urge the City-County Council to create a citizens redistricting commission and to make public mapping software available. Learn more here.
  • The State of Hawaii Reapportionment Commission will discuss and vote on final redistricting maps on January 28, 2022 at 1:00 pm HT. See the agenda for more information on submitting written or oral testimony.

Resources and Announcements

Yesterday, a group of Pennsylvania voters represented by the Public Interest Law Center, Dechert LLP, and Common Cause submitted a proposed plan as part of an amicus brief and expert report filed in two consolidated cases – Carter v. Chapman 그리고 Gressman v. Chapman. The voters’ brief asks the court to adopt their proposed redistricting plan in time for the May 2022 primary elections. Learn more and see the proposed map here.



이 뉴스레터는 Common Cause에서 제작하고 Dan Vicuna가 편집했습니다. Gerrymander Gazette를 구독하려면 여기를 클릭하세요. 더 많은 정보를 원하시거나 소식을 전달하려면 다음 연락처로 연락하세요. 댄 비쿠나.

지난 호는 여기에서 읽어보세요.



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