블로그 게시물

Leading Women: New Leaders, New Solutions for a 21st Century Democracy

Americans are coming together and seeking solutions to some of the most intractable problems facing our democracy. A growing number of women have taken the lead at democracy reform organizations that are setting the tone for the next major wave of reforms. Their efforts are modernizing our political system and creating a 21st century democracy that works for us all. Common Cause and allies held a discussion featuring several of the democracy movement's leading women, including Common Cause's recently-named President, Karen Hobert Flynn, to examine the state of the national debate on democracy.

Americans are coming together and seeking solutions to some of the most intractable problems facing our democracy. A growing number of women have taken the lead at democracy reform organizations that are setting the tone for the next major wave of reforms. Their efforts are modernizing our political system and creating a 21st century democracy that works for us all. Common Cause and allies held a discussion featuring several of the democracy movement’s leading women, including Common Cause’s recently-named President, Karen Hobert Flynn, to examine the state of the national debate on democracy.


캐런 호버트 플린 President, Common Cause
Kristen Clarke President and Executive Director
법률에 따른 시민권을 위한 변호사 위원회
웬디 필즈 Executive Director, Democracy Initiative
Eliza Newlin Carney Senior Editor, The American Prospect

Remarks from Karen Hobert Flynn at the Congressional Reception



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