블로그 게시물

Common Cause v. Rucho and the Future of Our Democracy

Wondering what's at stake in the fight over partisan gerrymandering? Check out this video from Common Cause North Carolina

As a three-judge federal court continues to weigh Common Cause’s challenge to partisan redistricting in North Carolina, we continue to hear from Common Cause activists across the country who are concerned – make that outraged — about how partisan map-makers in their states are choking off political competition.

The court’s decision could come before the end of the year and almost certainly will be appealed to Supreme Court, which already has heard arguments on a similar case that originated in Wisconsin.

Whatever the outcome in court, the struggle to put citizens — not elected officials — in control of America’s political boundaries, is picking up steam. This video, produced by Common Cause North Carolina, is a primer on what’s at stake. We invite you to share it with family, friends, co-workers, and anyone else who is concerned about the direction of our democracy.




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