블로그 게시물

The GAO agrees — time for disclosure

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) looks after the money spent by government -- and now they're asking another agency to look after the money spent on government.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) looks after the money spent by government — and now they’re saying another agency can do more to look after the money spent ~에 government. A new report by the GAO confirms the central message of our Your Right to Know campaign — the FCC can demand real disclosure of political ads.

We’ve said for months that “Paid for by Americans for Rainbows and Sunshine” doesn’t cut it — voters deserve to know more.

Michael Copps, FCC Commissioner and Special Adviser to our Media and Democracy Reform Initiative, had this to say about the report:

The government’s own watchdog says what I’ve been saying all along — the FCC can and should make full disclosure a reality. It’s high time the FCC listen to the tens of thousands of Common Cause supporters who have already called on the Commission to require real disclosure of the unlimited anonymous money that has corroded discourse and stifled much-needed reforms. The American public has a right to know who is trying to influence them.



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