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Timeline of the 2014 ALEC Exodus

Over the last few months, numerous companies have left ALEC over ALEC’s denial climate change and its secretive operations. Here is a time of the recent ALEC exodus:

Over the last few months, numerous companies have left ALEC over its denial of climate change and secretive operations. Here is a timeline of the recent ALEC exodus:

August 19: Microsoft announced it was leaving ALEC.

September 3rd: 55 organizations, including Common Cause, sent a letter to Google executives asking the company to leave ALEC.

September 22nd: On National Public Radio, Google Chairman Eric Schmidt said ALEC was “lying” about climate change and funding ALEC was a mistake. Google confirmed that it was also leaving ALEC.

September 23rd: 페이스북 announced that it was unlikely to renew its ALEC membership.

September 24: Yelp confirmed to Common Cause that it was no longer a member of ALEC and left the organization months ago. After numerous public statements saying they were staying with ALEC, Yahoo announced it was also leaving ALEC.

9월 25일: Uber and Lyft, two of ALEC’s top prospects and meeting attendees, confirmed to Common Cause that they have no plans in joining or continuing to participate in ALEC.

September 26: International Paper confirmed to Common Cause that it was no longer an ALEC member.

September 29: Occidental Petroleum announced it was leaving ALEC.

9월 30일: The Center for Media and Democracy announced News Corp and Overstock.com have both cut ties with ALEC.

October 7: 81 organizations, including Common Cause, sent a letter to eBay executives asking the corporation leave ALEC.

November 6: SAP, one of the largest software companies in the world and chair of ALEC’s private board, told the Center for Media and Democracy it was leaving ALEC because of ALEC’s work on climate change denial, renewable energy, voting rights, and gun control.

November 10: An AOL company official 확인됨 to Common Cause that the company had decided to leave ALEC “a number of weeks ago.”

December 18th: eBay confirmed on Twitter that they would not renew their ALEC membership



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