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What We’re Reading This Week – 7/11/14

This week: Keystone pipeline lobbying, redistricting, Udall amendment, and the People’s Pledge

1. In Washington lobbying, pro-Keystone XL advocates dwarf pipeline opponents – Lee Drutman and Alexander Furnace – Sunlight Foundation

Six years after the original application, the debate still continues over whether or Keystone XL Pipeline should be built. This article visually depicts the lobbying efforts over time, charting the top sectors and top organizations in favor of the pipeline.

2. Judge Rules GOP Illegally Redrew Florida Districts –  Lizette Alvarez – New York Times

A Florida judge recently ruled that Republicans illegally redrew the state’s congressional districts, accusing them of “making a mockery” of the amendment.

3. Free Speech Is Whatever These Senators Say It Is – Josh Israel – Think Progress

Senator Udall’s proposed amendment wpower to regulate campaign spending by Congress and state legislatures. This article reould restore the caps some highlights from this week’s hearing and outlines the arguments on both sides.

4.  ‘People’s pledge’ a popular U.S. policy – Antonio Planas – Boston Herald

In this article, the Boston Herald explains the meaning of the People’s Pledge in elections and which elections it has been successful in so far.



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