공통 원인 행동 팀 커뮤니티 계약

공통 원인 행동 팀 커뮤니티 계약

Thank you for volunteering with Common Cause! By joining the Action Team, you agree to the following statements. If you are a minor under 18 years of age, your parent or guardian must approve this agreement.

Violation of these Community Agreements may result in termination of your volunteer status and other negative consequences.

Non-Partisan Agreements

  • I take part in this nonpartisan project to enhance the electoral system, encourage voter enfranchisement, and guarantee that every vote counts as the voters intended.
  • I understand that Common Cause is a nonpartisan organization. Therefore, while volunteering, I will not provide any partisan information or advocate any position on a ballot question to individuals seeking assistance, unless instructed by a Common Cause staff person or Action Team Captain. I will also refrain from any behavior that compromises the integrity of the program or the electoral process.
  • I will not make partisan political statements supporting or opposing any candidate for public office or any ballot question unless instructed by a Common Cause staff person or Action Team Captain. I will not engage in any communication that compromises the integrity of the program or the electoral process on behalf of Common Cause. This includes posts on social media, websites, emails, text messages, or any other form of verbal or written communication.

Community Norms

  • I’ll uphold the confidentiality of any information that voters or Common Cause staff members disclose to me. I will not disclose such information without prior written authorization, including on social media.
  • I will handle certain information, such as personally identifiable information about voters reporting election incidents, in accordance with established incident reporting procedures and keep it confidential. I will not redistribute private emails or communications without written permission from the individuals involved.
  • I will not engage in illegal distribution practices when posting incidents and other information on the online incident reporting system. Examples of illegal distribution include posting large portions of copyrighted material, posting libelous material, aiding in a crime, posting credit card numbers, and sharing private personal information, even if publicly available.
  • I will not attempt unauthorized access to the online incident reporting system or use it to gain unauthorized access to other systems. I will not use any Common Cause platforms (e.g., Slack, Scale to Win, JotForm, etc.) to harass individuals or organizations.
  • While acting in the name of Common Cause or with unique knowledge of Common Cause, I will not engage with the media or disclose information in any form without prior authorization.
  • I will not record and/or distribute phone calls, conversations, or any materials obtained through my affiliation with Common Cause without the consent and knowledge of Common Cause. I will not engage in any activity that undermines the integrity or conduct of the program or the electoral process.

Community Practices

  • As a member of the Common Cause Action Team, I commit to supporting and participating in anti-racist and gender equity practices, including making our community – including our events, actions, and meetings accessible and inclusive.
  • I agree to approach other volunteers and staff in an inclusive, welcoming, and encouraging manner, promoting the good work and impact of Action Team members, and holding fellow Action Team members accountable if they violate our shared community norms.
  • I understand that actions, regardless of intentions, can negatively affect others. I will welcome feedback and be accountable to others. I understand that even if the intention was not to harm, the impact of harassment, abuse, or otherwise unacceptable behavior outweighs intentions. Even if the intention was not to cause harm, behaviors, and language can still cause harm. 
  • I will think about what I will say and post, and consider what underlying biases/prejudices it may have, and work to combat my own biases/prejudices. 

Anti-Racist Practices

The Common Cause Action Team fights for a just, representative democracy – that means recognizing our country’s racist foundations, structures, and how institutions continue to perpetuate racism. Therefore, each Action Team member must actively work on being anti-racist. This looks like the following and is constantly growing. Please refer to The People’s Institute of Survival and Beyond’s Anti-Racist Principles for a more complete list. 

  • I will be open to accountability and hold myself and others accountable. I will speak up against injustices that you see, as well as hold myself accountable for perpetuating injustices. If someone is holding me accountable, I will work to listen and learn. 
  • I will throw glitter, not shade: encourage and validate the different experiences people have and choose to share. 
  • I commit to Move Up, Move Back: If I typically talk or lead conversations, I will invite and allow other voices in the conversation. If I typically do not talk or lead conversations, I will find ways to contribute and engage.
  • I will lift Black and Brown voices. I will ensure that in all of our work, we are lifting Black and Brown voices, using my platform to listen, make space, and promote the voices of people most impacted by structural inequities. If I am a person of color, I commit to learning from people with different experiences than mine. If I am a white person, I commit to making sure to make space for Black and Brown people to share their views and perspectives.

Gender Equity and Identity Practices

  • I will promote gender equality and social justice in my work in the Action Team. This includes interrupting people when they are speaking and speaking out against violence and injustice against women, femmes, trans and non-binary folks, and sharing decision-making power if working on a project. 
  • I will take note of people’s pronouns and use their pronouns when you are engaging with them, or referring to them. Learn more 여기.
  • I will use inclusive, welcoming, and encouraging language, and respect, recognize, and empower the different gender identities that make up this volunteer network. 

Enforcement and Accountability



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