그레고리 디스칸트


전문적 지식

Meet Gregory…

Gregory Diskant is a senior litigator at Patterson Belknap, where he served as chair from 1997 에게 2007. As part of his active trial practice, he regularly tries cases in federal and state courts and before arbitration panels, focusing on complex commercial and intellectual property litigation. He has secured billions of dollars in judgments and settlements for his clients, with multiple verdicts greater than $100 million.

In jury trials around the country, he has successfully represented both plaintiffs and defendants. Two of his jury victories for plaintiffs were cited as major plaintiffs verdicts of the year; two of his jury wins for defendants were cited as major defendants verdicts of the year. Most recently, in a two-week jury trial in Florida in August 2017, he defeated a $450 million claim of patent infringement.

Prior to joining Patterson Belknap, Greg served as 에이ssistant United States 에이ttorney and as chief 에이ppellate 에이ttorney for the Southern District of New York. He also served as a law clerk to the Hon. Thurgood Marshall, 의 미국 대법원, and the Hon. J. Skelly Wright, 의 U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. 



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