Viki Harrison

Director of Constitutional Convention and Protect Dissent Programs

전문적 지식

Meet Viki…

Viki Harrison joined Common Cause in January 2012. She is currently Common Cause’s Director of Constitutional Convention and Protecting Dissent Programs, previously serving as Director of State Operations (2018-2022) and as the Executive Director in New Mexico (2012-2018). Harrison leads our work on stopping a dangerous constitutional convention that would rewrite the entire Constitution and working collaboratively with partners to protect our right to free speech in this country. Harrison shepherded Common Cause New Mexico from a single-staffed office to a full time, two-person organization with contract organizers and researchers on various campaigns. Under her leadership, CCNM passed resolutions against Citizens United, advanced voter registration, campaign finance reforms, and overhauled state ethics.

She has built successful lobbying campaigns, election protection programs, local ballot measures, published research and reports, and created coalitions for democracy in New Mexico. She then worked with a dozen Common Cause states providing direct support on campaigns, fundraising, policy, and program development. Harrison is no stranger to non-profit management, advocacy and government relations. Before joining Common Cause, she was the Executive Director of NM Repeal, where she led a successful campaign to abolish the death penalty in New Mexico.

Earlier in her career, she was the Program Manager for Animal Protection of New Mexico, and part of the team that secured a ban on cockfighting in the state. Harrison graduated summa cum laude from the University of New Mexico with B.A. degrees in Women’s Studies and African American Studies.

The Latest From Viki Harrison

대법원, Evenwel 재구획 사건에서 헌법의 급진적 개정 거부

보도 자료

대법원, Evenwel 재구획 사건에서 헌법의 급진적 개정 거부

오늘 미국 대법원은 Evenwel v. Abbott 사건에서 8대 0으로 투표하여 각 인구 조사 후 주 의회 선거구를 그릴 때 주에서 계속 총 인구를 셀 수 있도록 허용했습니다. 원고는 주에서 총 인구에 대한 인구 조사 카운트를 사용하는 것을 금지하고 동일한 수의 유권자가 있는 선거구를 그릴 것을 요구하는 미국 헌법에 대한 전례 없는 변경을 요구했습니다.

산타페, 독립 재분할 운동에 참여

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산타페, 독립 재분할 운동에 참여

뉴멕시코주 산타페가 독립 시민 선거구 재조정 위원회의 시행에 착수하면서 공정하고 투명한 선거구 재조정에 대한 국가적 추진력이 계속되었습니다.

Common Cause New Mexico Calls on Attorney General to Investigate ALEC Compliance with State Tax and Lobbying Laws

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Common Cause New Mexico Calls on Attorney General to Investigate ALEC Compliance with State Tax and Lobbying Laws

On the heels of filing a whistleblower complaint with the IRS charging abuse of federal tax laws, Common Cause New Mexico today asked Attorney General Gary King to look into the tax status of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) in New Mexico.

뉴멕시코의 공공 자금 조달 수정

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뉴멕시코의 공공 자금 조달 수정

뉴멕시코의 Common Cause 소속 Viki Harrison이 정치에서 돈을 몰아내기 위한 투쟁에서 우리가 거둔 최근의 승리에 대한 내부 정보를 제공합니다.



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