Jay Heck


전문적 지식

Meet Jay…

For the past 22 years, Jay Heck has been the Executive Director of Common Cause in Wisconsin. He is the chief spokesperson and leads the organization in all facets of its operation. In addition to lobbying for CC/WI, Jay devises and directs all fundraising, legislative and program strategy, media appearances, positions on issues (in consultation with the CC/WI Board), and all other activities, including supervision of staff and determining budget priorities and execution.

Prior to joining CC/WI in 1996, Jay spent eight years as a top adviser and legislative strategist for the Wisconsin State Senate Majority Leader and eight years as the legislative director and campaign director and chief fund raiser for a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives. He also served as a state director and staff member for a U.S. Presidential candidate.

Jay holds a Bachelor of Arts with honors in political science and history.

The Latest From Jay Heck

위스콘신 엑자미너(사설): 진정으로 공정하려면 위스콘신 법원은 거대한 정치 자금으로부터 자유로워야 합니다.

뉴스 클립

위스콘신 엑자미너(사설): 진정으로 공정하려면 위스콘신 법원은 거대한 정치 자금으로부터 자유로워야 합니다.

위스콘신 대법원 선거에서 전례 없는 터무니없이 많은 정치자금이 모이고 쓰이고 있는 것은 우리 주에서 상당히 새롭고 끔찍한 발전입니다. 항상 여기서는 이런 식이었던 것은 아니었고, 계속될 수도 없고 계속되어서는 안 됩니다. 

Wisconsin Examiner (Op-Ed): The future of free and fair elections in Wisconsin could hinge on the fate of Meagan Wolfe

뉴스 클립

Wisconsin Examiner (Op-Ed): The future of free and fair elections in Wisconsin could hinge on the fate of Meagan Wolfe

Wisconsin voters of all political views and stripes would be best served by Meagan Wolfe continuing in her current role. The integrity of the 2024 election and its adherence to the law and to fairness and democracy just might depend on it.

Wisconsin Examiner (Op-Ed): Wisconsin must repudiate this Trump-ordered assault on voting and fair elections

뉴스 클립

Wisconsin Examiner (Op-Ed): Wisconsin must repudiate this Trump-ordered assault on voting and fair elections

Republicans appear to have cynically calculated that these “ballot security” measures to suppress the vote may be harmful to some of their own voters, but that it will block  more Wisconsinites who might vote for their political opponents.  Republicans have targeted voters who reside in urban areas like Milwaukee, Madison, Racine and Green Bay. They have also homed in on college and university students by making it more difficult for that population to vote, even with a college-issued photo ID, than almost anywhere else in the nation.

Wisconsin State Journal (Op-Ed): The war on voting is doomed to fail

뉴스 클립

Wisconsin State Journal (Op-Ed): The war on voting is doomed to fail

This country needs to have two or more vibrant political parties contesting elections and trying to win the battle of ideas by persuading voters that their proposals are best. But when one of the major political parties doesn’t really believe in elections and in democracy, then it follows that it can’t possibly win the hearts and minds of citizens at the ballot box because the outcome of free and fair elections doesn’t really matter to them.

That sick mindset will eventually destroy that party. If it ceases to believe in...

Wisconsin State Journal (Op-Ed): Beware of GOP voting restrictions in Wisconsin

뉴스 클립

Wisconsin State Journal (Op-Ed): Beware of GOP voting restrictions in Wisconsin

Common Cause in Wisconsin has long opposed this cynical, anti-democratic strategy, and we will be in the forefront of resisting upcoming efforts to restrict voting further.

Gov. Tony Evers says he will veto any such measures and oppose voter suppression. Yet the governor’s opposition to this looming threat to democracy isn’t enough.

The citizens of Wisconsin need to rise up and make it clear to every member of the Wisconsin Legislature that they should be expanding voting opportunities and making it easier for...

Common Cause Wisconsin, Fair Elections Center 및 기타 단체가 유권자 신분증으로 사용되는 학생 신분증에 대한 Wisconsin의 요구 사항에 이의를 제기

보도 자료

Common Cause Wisconsin, Fair Elections Center 및 기타 단체가 유권자 신분증으로 사용되는 학생 신분증에 대한 Wisconsin의 요구 사항에 이의를 제기

오늘, 페어 일렉션 센터와 파인스 바흐 LLP는 위스콘신 서부 지방 법원에 위스콘신 주 커먼 코즈와 개인 원고인 벤 퀸테로를 대신하여 위스콘신 주의 유권자 신분증 자격을 갖추려면 학생 신분증을 불필요하게 요구한다는 위스콘신 주의 불필요한 규정에 이의를 제기하는 소송을 제기했습니다.

Supreme Court Declines to Hear Wisconsin John Doe Appeal

보도 자료

Supreme Court Declines to Hear Wisconsin John Doe Appeal

While it is disappointing that the U.S. Supreme Court chose to ignore such clear conflicts for the Wisconsin justices, the issues behind the case are far from dead. Recent revelations about the 2011-2012 recall elections have raised troubling new questions about Governor Walker and those who engaged in possible illegal activity. The new information which has come to light merits a full investigation by the Dane County District Attorney.

Democracy is failing when voters don’t have real choices

보도 자료

Democracy is failing when voters don’t have real choices

A few weeks ago, candidates for state legislative office filed their nomination papers and the required signatures for the upcoming August primary and November general elections here in Wisconsin. What is shocking is how many Assembly and Senate elections will offer no real choice of candidates to the citizens of Wisconsin who live in those districts.



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