Jay Heck


전문적 지식

Meet Jay…

For the past 22 years, Jay Heck has been the Executive Director of Common Cause in Wisconsin. He is the chief spokesperson and leads the organization in all facets of its operation. In addition to lobbying for CC/WI, Jay devises and directs all fundraising, legislative and program strategy, media appearances, positions on issues (in consultation with the CC/WI Board), and all other activities, including supervision of staff and determining budget priorities and execution.

Prior to joining CC/WI in 1996, Jay spent eight years as a top adviser and legislative strategist for the Wisconsin State Senate Majority Leader and eight years as the legislative director and campaign director and chief fund raiser for a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives. He also served as a state director and staff member for a U.S. Presidential candidate.

Jay holds a Bachelor of Arts with honors in political science and history.

The Latest From Jay Heck

더 이상 조작된 선거 지도는 없습니다.

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더 이상 조작된 선거 지도는 없습니다.

이번 주, 매디슨의 바바라 크랩 판사 법정에서 중요한 재판이 진행 중입니다. 결과는 위스콘신뿐만 아니라 전국에 큰 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.

Just One in Ten State Legislative Districts in Wisconsin are Competitive for the 2016 General Election

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Just One in Ten State Legislative Districts in Wisconsin are Competitive for the 2016 General Election

The number of Wisconsin Assembly and State Senate legislative districts in 2016 that can be considered even remotely competitive this November is just 10 percent of the total – one of the fewest number of competitive state legislative districts on record – according to election data compiled by Common Cause in Wisconsin (CC/WI).

George Will’s Hit Piece on Wisconsin Undermined by Factual Inaccuracy and Non-Disclosure

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George Will’s Hit Piece on Wisconsin Undermined by Factual Inaccuracy and Non-Disclosure

Long-time columnist George F. Will has deep Midwestern roots, but his baseless, factually-challenged assault on the ongoing investigation of serious political corruption in Wisconsin suggests he’s lost touch with Midwestern values.

U.S. Supreme Court Blocks Totally Unnecessary and Flagrantly Partisan Voter Photo ID for Now

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U.S. Supreme Court Blocks Totally Unnecessary and Flagrantly Partisan Voter Photo ID for Now

Huge and wonderful (and unexpected) news for democracy, fairness and justice Thursday night! The United States Supreme Court voted 6 to 3 to block, for the upcoming November 4th election, the restrictive and extreme Wisconsin Voter photo ID law that was suddenly and erroneously reinstated by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit on September 12th!

새로 공개된 문서, 스콧 워커를 난처한 처지에 빠뜨려

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새로 공개된 문서, 스콧 워커를 난처한 처지에 빠뜨려

목요일 시카고 연방 항소 법원에서 공개한 문서에 따르면, 위스콘신 주지사 스콧 워커의 2012년 리콜 선거 캠페인은 특수 이익 집단과 손잡고 – 아마도 불법적으로 – 일한 것으로 보인다.



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