케이티 스칼리

커뮤니케이션 디렉터

전문적 지식

Meet Katie…

Katie is Communications Director for Common Cause. She leads a dynamic team responsible for designing and executing data-driven messaging and strategy to advance democracy reform on the national, state, and local level. Prior to that role, Katie was Common Cause’s Midwest Region Communications Strategist. She worked with more than a dozen of the organization’s state organizations to protect and strengthen the freedom to vote for all Americans. She also led the media strategy and execution of the organization’s 2021 redistricting cycle, the organization’s top priority amid a massive wave of voter suppression in the states.

Katie brings nearly a decade of experience in political campaigns, public policy, and issue advocacy. Leveraging a background in local and state campaigns, she brings an in-depth understanding of the legislative process and how to develop communication plans that motivate and inspire audiences to take action. She has been part of several high-profile public affairs initiatives in her home state of California and throughout the country, including the 2020 Census count, contentious gubernatorial and mayoral races, and COVID-19 education campaigns.

Katie holds a Master of Public Affairs from the University of San Francisco and dual degrees in Political Science and Communication Studies from the University of Portland.

The Latest From Katie Scally

Common Cause, 5명의 새 이사회 멤버 발표

보도 자료

Common Cause, 5명의 새 이사회 멤버 발표

오늘, 민주주의 감시 단체인 커먼 코즈(Common Cause)는 전국 운영 위원회에 새로운 위원 5명을 추가했다고 발표했습니다. 이는 다양한 계층의 지지자와 전문가를 대표하며, 모두 민주주의를 수호하는 데 깊이 헌신하고 있습니다.



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