블로그 게시물

모든 집단에 대한 증오와 억압은 모든 사람을 위한 미국 민주주의를 침식합니다.

As an organization that has been dedicated to American democracy since its founding, we unequivocally condemn the alarming and unacceptable surge in antisemitism and Islamophobia in the media, online and within so many campuses and communities around the country.

 Democracy only works when all are included equally and differences are respected. It’s impossible to have a healthy democracy when any group is targeted, in speech or actions, with hate, bigotry or violence. This is especially true when individuals or groups are targeted because of their identity, religion, ethnicity or differences.

That is why Common Cause, and all Americans, must unequivocally denounce antisemitism and Islamophobia—here in the United States, and around the world. We stand firmly against this hate and bigotry and will work to support the safety, dignity and inclusion of the Jewish and Muslim communities.

As we enter into 2024, it is essential that our democracy is strengthened and everyone, regardless of their identity, is able to fully participate.  Hate or oppression of any group impacts everyone and erodes our democracy.

Common Cause reaffirms its 53-year pledge to build a democracy that works for all.



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