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반응: 민주당, 공화당 지도자들이 당파적 선거구 조작 판결에 대해 대법원을 비판

대법원은 당파적 선거구 조작을 통제하지 않기로 결정했습니다. 하지만 법원이 공정한 선거구로 가는 유일한 길은 아닙니다. 양당의 지도자들이 이 문제에 대해 의견을 밝히고 있으며, 대법원의 역사적으로 나쁜 결정을 지적하고 있습니다.

The U.S. Supreme Court issued a bad 5-4 decision in two landmark gerrymandering cases—giving politicians the green light to draw rigged maps in states across the country. The cases, 공통 원인 대 루초 그리고 라몬 대 베니섹, hoped to fix partisan gerrymanders in North Carolina and Maryland, respectively—where both Democrats and Republicans had rigged electoral maps in their favor. 

Activists assembled on the court’s steps, advocates made waves in the press, and some politicians have sounded off to call out the Supreme Court on its disastrous decision.

As the justices hang up their robes for the summer, the fight for fair maps and representation continues—with quite a few Democrats and Republicans stepping into the fray. Let’s take a look at what some of the big names are saying. 

Among the crowded 2020 Democratic presidential field, Sen. Elizabeth Warren started her own mini-thread, where she called out the Supreme Court and called for more independent redistricting commissions in the states. Sen. Kamala Harris took a firm stance too, and declared that “banning partisan gerrymandering will be a top priority” for her as president.

Sen. Michael Bennet answered the call when asked by Common Cause what he would do to end partisan gerrymandering too–coming out firmly against the court’s decision.

Former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders had tweets of their own, calling out the Supreme Court for letting state politicians for “rig our democracy.” 

As did former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, referencing the disproportionate impact gerrymandering has on communities of color.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer called for action as well. Pelosi issued a statement connecting the issue back to H.R.1, the For the People Act, which would require states to set up independent citizens redistricting commissions.

Eric Holder, the former Attorney General under President Obama who has since made gerrymandering his top issue, tweeted out his own message—reminding us that the states and the people can still fix redistricting without the court.

But it wasn’t just Democrats calling out the court on for ducking its responsibility to bring justice to North Carolina and Maryland voters. Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenneger tweeted out a thread of his own, pointing out that “this isn’t the end of our fight to terminate gerrymandering.”

He even threw in a gif for good measure.

Former Ohio Governor and GOP presidential candidate John Kasich took to Twitter as well, pointing out the power states have to end gerrymandering, regardless of the Supreme Court’s decision.

As did two Republican officials from Maryland, where Democratic maps were recently challenged. Governor Larry Hogan and U.S. Congressman Andy Harris pointed out how both parties are guilty of gerrymandering today.

As the Twittersphere erupted following the Supreme Court’s decision, one thing was made especially clear: the bipartisan push to stop gerrymandering and draw fair maps is far from over. 

Learn more about what we’re doing to end gerrymandering, 그리고 sign our pledge to tell your lawmakers that fair maps matter.



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