블로그 게시물

Media and Democracy with Michael Copps in Boston

American media’s failure to provide diverse viewpoints and unbiased information is undermining the strength of our democracy and acting as a barrier to many needed reforms.

Meanwhile, Verizon and other telecom giants are making the problem worse by trying to use the courts to cripple open Internet. And, these same companies are pouring millions into political campaigns to prevent communities from building their own public broadband networks.

~에 Thursday, November 14, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. former Federal Communications Commissioner (FCC) and Common Cause’s Media and Democracy special adviser 마이클 콥스 will break down these threats to “net neutrality”, increasing media consolidation, and more at the Common Cause Massachusetts office in Boston.

Michael was a strong advocate for consumers and democracy at the FCC, and is now continuing that fight at Common Cause. We’re pleased to offer the opportunity to hear first hand insight from him on national media policies and their role in strengthening (or hurting) our democracy.



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