데이비드 밴스

국가 미디어 전략가

전문적 지식

데이비드를 만나보세요…

데이비드 밴스는 Common Cause의 국가 미디어 전략가입니다. 그는 국가 및 주 차원의 직원과 협력하여 미디어를 생성하여 목소리를 확대하고 국가 조직과 35개 주 사무소의 민주주의 개혁 의제를 전략적으로 발전시킵니다.

데이비드는 2016년 Common Cause에 합류하기 전 10년 동안 Campaign Legal Center에서 커뮤니케이션 및 연구 책임자로 일하면서 선거 자금, 투표권, 정부 윤리 문제를 다루었습니다. 그곳에서 일하는 동안 이 조직의 미디어 프로필은 기하급수적으로 성장했고 2014년에는 창의적이고 효과적인 기관에 대한 MacArthur Award를 수상했습니다.

데이비드는 홍보 및 저널리즘 분야에서 광범위한 경력을 쌓았습니다. 그는 국제 무역 협회의 홍보 책임자로 근무했으며 워싱턴 DC에 있는 두 개의 홍보 회사에서 일하면서 다양한 기업, 협회 및 비영리 고객을 대상으로 국내외적으로 홍보, 홍보 및 위기 문제를 처리했습니다.

데이비드는 홍보 분야에 입문하기 전 워싱턴 D.C.의 여러 보도국, 버몬트주 벌링턴의 WCAX-TV, 워싱턴 포스트에서 일했습니다.

데이비드는 워싱턴 D.C. 출신으로, 노스웨스턴 대학교 메딜 저널리즘 대학원에서 석사 학위를, 조지 메이슨 대학교에서 창작쓰기 분야로 석사 학위를 취득했습니다.

데이비드 밴스의 최신 소식

As U.S. Opens International Democracy Summit, We Must Get Our Own House in Order

보도 자료

As U.S. Opens International Democracy Summit, We Must Get Our Own House in Order

As President Biden convenes his international Summit for Democracy this week, he faces a crisis of democracy here at home. Bolstering international democracy is critically important, but we must also get our own house in order. Our crisis did not begin with the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, nor did it end there.  Parroting Donald Trump’s Big Lie and aided and abetted by the U.S. Supreme Court’s gutting of the Voting Rights Act under Chief Justice John Roberts, GOP-controlled legislatures across the country have ushered in a new Jim...

Common Cause Urges “Yes” Vote on Protecting Our Democracy Act to Curb Abuses of Power by Future Presidents

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Common Cause Urges “Yes” Vote on Protecting Our Democracy Act to Curb Abuses of Power by Future Presidents

Common Cause is urging every member of the U.S. House of Representatives to vote “yes” in support of the Protecting Our Democracy Act (H.R. 5314), in order to provide greater checks and balances to the vast powers of the presidency in the wake of the unprecedented abuses of those powers by the administration of Donald Trump. The letter, sent yesterday to every Member of the House, emphasizes that the proposed legislation will create new mechanisms for transparency and accountability that will apply to all future presidents, regardless of...

Common Cause Applauds Confirmation of Jessica Rosenworcel as FCC Chair

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Common Cause Applauds Confirmation of Jessica Rosenworcel as FCC Chair

“It was a long and winding road for Jessica Rosenworcel, but she stayed the course and good sense has now finally prevailed with today’s Senate vote. Jessica faces a daunting agenda as chair but she has the experience and dedication to make historic progress leading the FCC. Past commission mistakes must be corrected and new trails blazed to provide our country with the communications ecosystem our democracy so clearly must have. Needed now is a fifth commissioner, so that a full FCC can get on with its important mandate of protecting the...

Common Cause and Over 200 Organizations Call on Senators to Delay Recess Until They Pass Voting Rights Legislation

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Common Cause and Over 200 Organizations Call on Senators to Delay Recess Until They Pass Voting Rights Legislation

Today, Common Cause and over 200 organizations called on Senators to commit to reconsideration of the Freedom to Vote Act and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act immediately and to delay the coming Congressional recess until the legislation is passed. The letter, from members of the Declaration for American Democracy (DFAD) coalition and The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights emphasizes that already this year, 19 states have enacted 33 restrictive voting laws that make it harder for Americans – particularly in Black...

Common Cause Urges “Yes” Vote to Extend STOCK Act to Federal Judges

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Common Cause Urges “Yes” Vote to Extend STOCK Act to Federal Judges

Common Cause is urging every member of the U.S. House of Representatives to vote “yes” in support of the Courthouse Ethics and Transparency Act, HR 5720. The legislation will extend to federal judges, the same conflict of interest reporting requirements that are applied to Members of Congress under the STOCK Act. The letter, sent yesterday to every Member of the House, points to an extensive investigation by The Wall Street Journal that found that over an eight-year period more than 100 federal judges failed to recuse themselves in nearly...

Campaign Legal Center, Common Cause and Other Good Government Groups File Amicus Brief Supporting the FEC’s Efforts to Prevent Corruption in Ted Cruz Loan Repayment Case

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Campaign Legal Center, Common Cause and Other Good Government Groups File Amicus Brief Supporting the FEC’s Efforts to Prevent Corruption in Ted Cruz Loan Repayment Case

"Allowing donors to repay candidates’ loans is a shell game that breeds cynicism about our elections. Campaign donations end up in the candidate’s pocket, after the election – while voters are deprived of information about who’s funding the candidate, while deciding how to vote."

Common Cause Calls for Censure and Expulsion of Rep. Gosar for Violent Incitement

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Common Cause Calls for Censure and Expulsion of Rep. Gosar for Violent Incitement

Common Cause is urging the U.S. House of Representatives to expel Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), and as a first step vote to censure and strip him of his committee assignments after he circulated a video depicting him killing Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and attacking President Biden. The letter, sent today to every U.S. Representative, emphasizes that removing the Arizona Republican from his committee assignments is the most lenient penalty that should be levelled against any member for such nakedly irresponsible and dangerous...

Major Civil-Rights, Human-Rights and Media-Justice Groups Demand AT&T and DIRECTV Sever Ties to One America News

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Major Civil-Rights, Human-Rights and Media-Justice Groups Demand AT&T and DIRECTV Sever Ties to One America News

WASHINGTON — On Monday, 16 civil-rights, human-rights and media-justice organizations called on the top executives at AT&T and DIRECTV to cut business ties with One America News Network, the propaganda channel responsible for spreading anti-democratic disinformation, promoting COVID-19 conspiracy theories and fueling racism.

Common Cause Applauds House Vote on Infrastructure Bill With Significant Investments for Broadband Connectivity

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Common Cause Applauds House Vote on Infrastructure Bill With Significant Investments for Broadband Connectivity

Friday night, the House voted to pass the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure, Investment and Jobs Act which includes $65 billion in broadband investments. These investments will fund the deployment of high-speed networks in unserved and underserved areas, make broadband more affordable for low-income households, and fund digital inclusion programs that ensure communities have the necessary tools and skills to effectively use broadband. The legislation also includes important protections that enhance broadband pricing transparency and takes steps...



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