데이비드 밴스

국가 미디어 전략가

전문적 지식

데이비드를 만나보세요…

데이비드 밴스는 Common Cause의 국가 미디어 전략가입니다. 그는 국가 및 주 차원의 직원과 협력하여 미디어를 생성하여 목소리를 확대하고 국가 조직과 35개 주 사무소의 민주주의 개혁 의제를 전략적으로 발전시킵니다.

데이비드는 2016년 Common Cause에 합류하기 전 10년 동안 Campaign Legal Center에서 커뮤니케이션 및 연구 책임자로 일하면서 선거 자금, 투표권, 정부 윤리 문제를 다루었습니다. 그곳에서 일하는 동안 이 조직의 미디어 프로필은 기하급수적으로 성장했고 2014년에는 창의적이고 효과적인 기관에 대한 MacArthur Award를 수상했습니다.

데이비드는 홍보 및 저널리즘 분야에서 광범위한 경력을 쌓았습니다. 그는 국제 무역 협회의 홍보 책임자로 근무했으며 워싱턴 DC에 있는 두 개의 홍보 회사에서 일하면서 다양한 기업, 협회 및 비영리 고객을 대상으로 국내외적으로 홍보, 홍보 및 위기 문제를 처리했습니다.

데이비드는 홍보 분야에 입문하기 전 워싱턴 D.C.의 여러 보도국, 버몬트주 벌링턴의 WCAX-TV, 워싱턴 포스트에서 일했습니다.

데이비드는 워싱턴 D.C. 출신으로, 노스웨스턴 대학교 메딜 저널리즘 대학원에서 석사 학위를, 조지 메이슨 대학교에서 창작쓰기 분야로 석사 학위를 취득했습니다.

데이비드 밴스의 최신 소식

Common Cause Calls for Release of Fusion GPS Congressional Interview Transcripts & More Transparent Process

보도 자료

Common Cause Calls for Release of Fusion GPS Congressional Interview Transcripts & More Transparent Process

Today, Common Cause urged the three congressional committees that interviewed Fusion GPS employees to release transcripts of the testimony by the opposition research firm. The letters to the Senate Judiciary and the House and Senate Intelligence Committees come in the wake of a New York Times opinion page piece by Fusion GPS founders Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch outlining a smear campaign against them by President Trump’s defenders, including misleading excerpts from their congressional interview transcripts.

FCC Vote to Scuttle Net Neutrality Ignores the Public and the Public Interest

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FCC Vote to Scuttle Net Neutrality Ignores the Public and the Public Interest

Donald Trump's Chairman, Ajit Pai, has recklessly ignored the tens of millions of Americans who know that affordable access to the Open Internet is essential to life in the 21st century. Today's vote is a body blow for self-expression and self-governance. And the tainted process of ignoring tens of thousands of consumer net neutrality complaints makes the FCC action illegitimate.

FCC Vote Tomorrow Will Weigh the Public Interest Against Corporate Interests

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FCC Vote Tomorrow Will Weigh the Public Interest Against Corporate Interests

This may well be the last gasp of the open internet, as big telecom’s majority as the FCC decrees instead the Gate-keeper’s Internet—a shadowy world of monopoly, commercialism, and conspiracy in restraint of democracy that totally subverts the promise of what might have been.

Corrine Brown Betrayed Her Constituents Out of a Sense of Entitlement

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Corrine Brown Betrayed Her Constituents Out of a Sense of Entitlement

The sentencing of former Congresswoman Corrine Brown today to 5 years in prison is not about misplaced trust by her, but misplaced trust by her District 5 constituency and all Floridians that her long career in Congress was in her own self-interest and not in service to them. Brown betrayed her constituents who sent her to Washington to represent their interests, not her own. The sense of entitlement that allowed Brown to participate in this fraud to enrich herself in the name of underprivileged children is extremely disappointing.

Common Cause Pennsylvania Names Micah Sims Its New Executive Director

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Common Cause Pennsylvania Names Micah Sims Its New Executive Director

Today, Common Cause announced that Micah C.T. Sims has been named Executive Director of Common Cause Pennsylvania. Micah brings to the position a diverse background that includes community organizing and advocacy, working as a radio and television host, and continuing in a calling to ministry.

Flynn Plea an Encouraging Sign but Trump Administration Must Quit Obstructing the Investigation

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Flynn Plea an Encouraging Sign but Trump Administration Must Quit Obstructing the Investigation

The guilty plea of Michael Flynn to lesser charges is an encouraging sign that the investigation is continuing apace. The fact that he is not currently being charged with the rest of the laundry list of apparent violations that have come to light is a clear sign that he is cooperating with the Special Counsel’s investigation.

Common Cause Calls for Full Disclosure of Congressional Slush Funds and Shady Deals Used to Hide Sexual Harassment & Other Abuses

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Common Cause Calls for Full Disclosure of Congressional Slush Funds and Shady Deals Used to Hide Sexual Harassment & Other Abuses

Today, Common Cause called on Congress to pass legislation to close the loopholes and disclose settlements that have allowed Members to hide sexual harassment and other abuses for decades. A series of high profile cases involving abuse by Members has brought to light the slush funds and secretive negotiations that have allowed abusers to remain on the job.

Potential Nominee Thomas Brunell Would Politicize 2020 Census

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Potential Nominee Thomas Brunell Would Politicize 2020 Census

Politics have no business in the Census but the Trump Administration’s leading candidate for the deputy director slot at the Census Bureau, Thomas Brunell, would introduce blatant partisan politics into the national headcount. Discontent from Capitol Hill over Brunell’s political partisanship may have scuttled his candidacy for the top slot at the bureau but as deputy director he skirts the confirmation process.

FCC Scuttling of Net Neutrality is Another Handout to Big Business at Expense of Consumers

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FCC Scuttling of Net Neutrality is Another Handout to Big Business at Expense of Consumers

The reckless wrecking ball strikes again. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s scorched-earth plan for net neutrality displays callous disregard for both process and substance. The Chairman’s plan to do away with net neutrality will be a disaster for consumers and yet another handout for big business.



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