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Common Cause Hails Supreme Court Decision Upholding Citizen Redistricting

Today’s decision affirms Abraham Lincoln’s declaration that ours is a government of, by and for the people.

Statement by Common Cause President Miles Rapoport

Today’s decision affirms Abraham Lincoln’s declaration that ours is a government of, by and for the people. The citizens of Arizona were justifiably outraged at the way politicians in their state legislature had manipulated the state’s political boundaries, so they created an independent commission to take charge of redistricting. Now that our highest court has given their initiative its blessing, we’re hopeful that citizens and legislators alike in other states will push politics aside and create independent bodies to draw truly representative districts after the 2020 census.

Statement by Kathay Feng, Common Cause National Redistricting Director

Today, voters win. The Supreme Court has resoundingly upheld the right of We the People to take redistricting out of secret backrooms run by politicians and into the public light of citizen-driven commissions. We’ll be continuing our work across the country to end political gerrymandering through the creation of citizen-driven commissions like the one in Arizona.



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