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Common Cause Statement on Second Security Incident Involving Donald Trump

WASHINGTON—The following is a statement from Common Cause President & CEO Virginia Kase Solomón.

“No political leader should have to fear for their safety. We are glad that former President Donald Trump is unharmed after yesterday’s potential assassination attempt.

We call on the federal agencies, including Secret Service, FBI, and Department of Justice to conduct a full investigation into the incident and ensure both presidential candidates remain safe in this heightened threat environment.

미디어 연락처

데이브 밴스


WASHINGTON—The following is a statement from Common Cause President & CEO Virginia Kase Solomón.  

“No political leader should have to fear for their safety. We are glad that former President Donald Trump is unharmed after yesterday’s potential assassination attempt.  

We call on the federal agencies, including Secret Service, FBI, and Department of Justice to conduct a full investigation into the incident and ensure both presidential candidates remain safe in this heightened threat environment. 

We all have a critical role to play in making it clear that political violence is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. That means turning down the rhetoric and focusing on the issues that matter to the American people. 

Democracy should not be dangerous, whether you are a candidate, voter, or election worker.” 



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