보도 자료

상원, 2.5년 이상의 공석 후 마침내 5대 FCC 위원 확정

오늘 미국 상원은 양당 55대 43 투표로 Anna Gomez를 연방통신위원회 위원으로 확정했습니다. Gomez 위원은 Biden 대통령이 2021년 1월에 취임한 이후 공석이었던 기관의 자리를 채웁니다. 이 공석으로 인해 위원회는 중요한 문제에 대해 종종 2대 2로 교착 상태에 빠졌으며, 그녀의 확정으로 기관이 앞으로 나아갈 수 있게 되었습니다.

Today, the U.S. Senate confirmed Anna Gomez to the Federal Communications Commission in a bipartisan 55-43 vote. Commissioner Gomez fills a slot at the agency which has been vacant since President Biden took office in January of 2021. The vacancy had often left the commission deadlocked 2-2 on critical matters, and her confirmation will allow the agency to move forward.

Statement of Ishan Mehta, Common Cause Director for Media and Democracy

With the confirmation of Anna Gomez to the FCC, the agency can now move forward to advance reforms that will benefit every American household – including providing robust and affordable connectivity that has become crucial to participating in our democracy and society. The confirmation of Commissioner Gomez breaks more than two and a half years of gridlock that has hobbled the FCC while Senate Republicans and a handful of Democrats refused to confirm Gigi Sohn, the previous nominee.

With a full complement of commissioners, the FCC should quickly move to address issues that impact every one of us. With the commission deadlock broken, the FCC must rapidly move forward on addressing net neutrality, broadband connectivity, and media ownership concentration.

A free and open media is essential to democracy, and the FCC can once again hold media accountable to their public interest obligations.

Today’s confirmation of Anna Gomez is a win for American households from coast to coast that will see an FCC looking after their interests instead of corporate interests.



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