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필터 재설정



1786 Results

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필터 재설정

Open Mic at the FEC

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Open Mic at the FEC

Last week, I spent an hour at a witness table next to Shaun McCutcheon. He was the lead plaintiff in the eponymous Supreme Court case that dissenting Justice Stephen Breyer wrote “eviscerate[d] our campaign finance laws.”

민주주의에 대한 5대 대통령

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민주주의에 대한 5대 대통령

오늘 대통령의 날을 맞아, 우리는 역사상 몇몇 대통령들의 현명한 말씀을 되돌아봅니다.

Common Cause Georgia Backs Redistricting Reform in State Senate Hearing

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Common Cause Georgia Backs Redistricting Reform in State Senate Hearing

Common Cause Georgia Executive Director William Perry testified in front of the Georgia Senate’s Reapportionment and Redistricting Committee this week in support of redistricting reform.

8 times Jon Stewart was at his greatest

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8 times Jon Stewart was at his greatest

With Jon Stewart leaving The Daily Show, we're all losing an important voice. Here are 8 times Jon Stewart was at his greatest.

What’s better: 25% of Angelenos voting? Or 75% of Angelenos voting?

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What’s better: 25% of Angelenos voting? Or 75% of Angelenos voting?

Charter Amendments 1 and 2, on the Los Angeles March 3rd primary election ballot, would increase voter participation and hold politicians accountable by holding municipal and school board elections at the same time as federal and state elections.


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Chairman Tom Wheeler said it best at last week’s historic FCC meeting: “The Internet is simply too important to allow broadband providers to be the ones making the rules.” Amen.

Missing Charles

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Missing Charles

Charles Benton has been gone less than a week, but I miss him already. I miss him as friend, as a thoroughly delightful person, and—apropos to this testimonial—a dauntless and effective champion of the public interest. I could not have admired this good man more.

From the Worst FCC Vote to the Best

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From the Worst FCC Vote to the Best

But, 13 years later, a spirit of redemption is in the air. Last week, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler moved boldly to correct the bizarre classification rulings of his predecessors. He put forward a plan that would bring broadband providers clearly under the consumer-empowering provisions of Title II of the Telecommunications Act. Title II is where consumer protections, universal service, privacy, disability rights, and other important safeguards are housed.

Comcast-TWC and the Open Internet: One Issue, Not Two

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Comcast-TWC and the Open Internet: One Issue, Not Two

It’s now a two-front people’s crusade to prevent gatekeepers from wresting control of our nation’s communications ecosystem.

A Most Unvirtuous Circle

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A Most Unvirtuous Circle

It’s shaping up as a great political year ahead—if you are a billionaire with an axe to grind or a broadcast or cable operator.

Copy of A Most Unvirtuous Circle

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Copy of A Most Unvirtuous Circle

It’s shaping up as a great political year ahead—if you are a billionaire with an axe to grind or a broadcast or cable operator.



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